
I added OpenLedger for the next build - I also looked at hitbtc/livecoin, both which look to have no volume and I don't know that I'd endorse. Do you know anything of these two? alcurex on the other hand you can't even deposit steem into... so I have no idea what they're doing.

Any thoughts?

Good call - and thanks for pointing out a great place to find em all :)

I'll have to look at what all of their deposit schemes are as well (and if more should have configurable memos).

Services like blocktrades, changelly and shapeshift are not listed there.

I've already got those 3 in the app.

Shouldn't internal market be listed on there too?

"No trading fee, volume is too easy to be manipulated."

In the wallet or on coinmarketcap? :)

I meant coinmarketcap