Good evening steemians and artists, feel like want to draw before go to bed, actually today is public holiday ,and I had a very good rest for today, but time being so fast, is time to go to bed again.
So tonight I have to draw female due to yesterday was drawn male character,everytime before I draw I have to think the theme first, it is the most difficult part of the drawing process everytime. End up, suddenly my mind was full of her images, I love her so much, but I screwed up while I was chasing her. And we no longer friends anymore. But it is a good experience for me.
今晚呢,就画女生吧,因为昨天已经画了雄赳赳的男性角色,每一次画画之前呢,就要想好要画的主题是什么,这一直都会困扰我很久,可是想着想着。。。 脑袋一直充满着她的画面,好漂亮,好美丽,她是我一直喜欢的女神, 是我的前同事,自己实在太差劲,所以我被嫌弃了。在爱情里没有分对或者错,虽然未来很少有机会能够再见到她,不过我心中还是会一直惦记着她。
Hope that my wish could be come true. If you like this post ,please support me, thank you so much.