# My 10th season - Splinter Stats Season 64 Report Card

in #splinterstats3 years ago


Not the greatest of my seasons, to say the least.

Match Report


Silver Rank1847
Rating2285 - Silver II
Rating High2301
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.26 (174/138)
Longest Streak10

My silver rank was not so bad, but my rating high was 100 lower. My win ration was also far less good compared to last season.

Top 10 Summoner Usage


Top 100 Monster Usage


Win Rate by Ruleset


Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard24290
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold1500

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions8210400
Alchemy Potions134200
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)18725790

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
2719 DEC

My reward cards was pathetic, except for one rare gold. DEC earned was also disappointing :-( . I need to play more, and better to improve the situation, considerning earned DEC per win is lower than before.

Rental Report

TypeDEC (fees)
Revenue125.750 (6.257)
Cancellation Refunds27.622

Rental revenues was very bad as ly cards aren't getting rented anymore with the afflux of CL packs. The only good thing is that I rent less and for less, so I'm still losing too much, but it could have been worse.

SPS Report

TypeAmount Claimed
Staking Rewards20.440
NET SPS67.111
+ Voucher Drops5.821 VOUCHER

SPS is slowly increasing: that's compound interests for you.

Like the few last seasons, it's going downhill. I hope to cut on rent costs when I'll be able to buy a bunch of CL packs as an "investment" (lol) when you don't need one voucher for each pack.

My SL referral link, should you wish to join the game: https://splinterlands.com?ref=blotokes-g

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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you planning on buying single's at at or just packs? it seems like its getting worse and worse to rent but at the same time if cl card prices dump with gen sale its going to be very cheep to own cards again. at least until they sell out

I think I'll try to buy 100 as an experiment

Yeah I know bro rental market is crazy at the moment and the dec rewards being low isnt helping us. Just like you I am looking forward to buying a few packs myself once it goes. Made a mistake of buying packs during presale from secondary. Not going to do the same.

During presale I only bought a few packs out of the vouchers I had, so very few, that I haven't opened yet to get the sps rewards.

Really impressive win/loss ratio! Great job! And hell yes compound interest ftw.

At least if I don't get that much dec, I'm staking some sps.

The previous HiveBuzz proposal expired end of December.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
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Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!Dear @blotokes-g,

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