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RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

in #splinterlands3 months ago

That most Splinterlands players don't invest in HIVE doesn't necessarily mean that HIVE isn't perceived as 'Splinterlands chain' from outside of the ecosystem.
One criteria could be who causes the majority of transactions on the HIVE blockchain.
Another would be to check if search engines like Google show more results concerning Splinterlands or HIVE.
Interesting would also be to compare the value of all assets (including their HIVE, but not only HIVE) in USD hold by Splinterlands players compared to the HIVE value in USD hold by non-Splinterlands players to decide which ecosystem is bigger altogether.

I think IF Splinterlands player would power down their SPS reserves to buy HIVE they would easily be able to let the proposal pass. If they will do that only time can tell (it lasts four weeks to power down 100 % of the SPS stake).


No idea about outside the ecosystem, but it's certainly perceived as such by some parts of the splinterlands community. That perception is flawed though. A bunch of custom_json transactions don't mean anything by any relevant measure.

Hive keeps working without splinterlands and/or hive-engine. If they want to split they would have to rewrite their whole systems though, and even if they could find funding for that there's still the issue of transaction fees on alternative chains.

IF splinterlands players would power down their SPS to invest into hive, that would crash the splinterlands economy, and send hive. There's not a lot of liquidity for either of them.

Sure, HIVE keeps working (and will do so), but also neither attracts much attention from outside nor really lots of new (longterm) users.

IF splinterlands players would power down their SPS to invest into hive, that would crash the splinterlands economy ...

Well, there is nothing much to crash anymore. :)
However, the altogether value of SPS in USD still shouldn't be underestimated.
If more clever they should have started the conversion process of SPS into HIVE quite some time before launching the proposal to get a better price when selling it slowly.

... and send hive ...

... to heaven? :)

Yes, the liquity is so low that everbody who would buy huge amounts of HIVE within a short time span would increase the price significantly (and make the rich HIVE whales even richer).

I am personally rather neutral in this matter and have no clear opionion what might be best for Splinterlands. If Splinterlands won't get funded from HIVE but get real support from another chain, maybe it will be worth a try to change (before dying anyway). A successful Splinterlands on the otherside might be benefitial for HIVE, too (maybe should then stronger encourage their users to use HIVE also apart from playing Splinterlands only).

Hey @pharesim. What's your take on the proposal? What would it take to get you to support it?

A plan for the funds would be a good start.
And not just marketing - the game needs some serious improvements if they want to attract and, more importantly, hold users.

Some kickback to the DHF would help too.