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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Rewards Based on Card Level

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Why not getin with a guild that will give you a gold level deck are ppl charging you in your guild? The way i do it is or am going to once docuemnts are all finalized. is a scholar will ge half of the bot earnigns as well associated withteh account bc i plan on bottting all of them but benefitting my players to. I gotta take care of the team as well. My team will tell you im doing everything I can. I coverd one of my members tuition until they could pay me back which was in a week jsut needed a loan quick. Maybe you are with the wrong ppl. I would be happy to take you on. We have all posiitions open as ere butilding a 1500 person guild


my guild doesn't charge anything and they are relatively ok with donating when you can. We have 2 whales that have really pushed us up the ranks, but we all manage our own decks and coordinate delegations with in the team - it works for me I don't have a lot time for the social side of guild participation