Dissecting the ORomeo Bug

in #space5 years ago (edited)

Assessing past limitations and updating digital logic for the International Space Station. Each binary computation currently requires four state changes (the Hokey Pokey dance), one rotation in four steps/phases.

Each transistorized logical gate (3 true, 1 false) can be expressed as the relationship...

One transistorized gate phase shift (state change) = Pi / 2

Balanced transistorized logic XOR, NAND (2 true, 2 false) = 4 * (pi / 2)

One quantum logic gate phase shift (state change) = Pi

The specifications for implementation,

EI (either) + AND = 2 * Pi (a cycle about the radial range yields two balanced logic gates rather than one).


I keep renoting a short description of this woman's life, this needs to be read. She succeeded many challenges, too many to list ..WOW

Fun to sift through how operations were handled, what formulae took North Americans to space. It would be interesting to compare with the soviet form. I suspect Russians may have had a better command of the third dimensional value being either linear or axial.

Russian geometry and formulae, it is interesting to see what items and culture were produced. How their output of technological advances was similar, yet the flavours of the Russian iterations are ..not identical. The difference or gap is an inception point for observing the spectrum. Answers, what logical design choices motived, what criteria were prioritized for the implementation of specifications?

Can a Russian case of redundant third axis be confirmed? ..or did they possess the solution?

AAAHhhh!! ..for cryin' out loud Wikipedia, not again... ..this time the problem is volumetric declaration of axes in an angular momentum calculation. https://images.app.goo.gl/QcYof9eWqnTJNVXJ9

The report:
I will inform if and when I happen to find a mistaken declaration of axes amongst Russian diagrams. So far, negative.

I notice those who were students in Eastern European countries have confident command of geometries.

In some cases there exists a tendency to declare by two conventions at once out of uncertainty. The result is neglect of the underlying logic to be conveyed by example (mentoring). The things we knew need to be re-evaluated and made concise in some cases, the great discrepancy hunt.

I suspect we still do not possess the level of education necessary to produce the European minds which made space travel a reality. North America had their minds, not the underlying structure and knowledge to produce more of them.

In solving this modest research puzzle, a glimmer of solution appears on the mathematical horizon ..a method of declaring shapes that complements the relativistic functions in physics. A list of available routines (formulae) to bridge declaration of shapes about a center of mass (point) in space with the relativistic functions instaured by Einstein's theory of relativity. Completion of a system for declaring an object in space by it's center point relative the observer. The entire formula geared toward the use of two axial one angular coordinates.

This solution resembles Minkowski Space. Differing by two axial one angular formulaic inclusion of the "point of view" coordinate allowing initialization of the formula such that it convenes the quantized representation of relativistic physics (relativity).

Conjecture for the use of two axial one angular coordinates convening the quantized representation of relativistic physics (relativity).

Prescription for chalkboard, whiteboard and projection instruction. TWO objective diagrams. The first person objective, the second is the silhouette of the object including the declared point-of-view. This allows observation from two perspectives. All without triaxial coordinates.

I should not be hard on those who elaborated that which we have from what existed at the time. The formulae and calculations I am proposing are more effort to declare. The benefit is that all may consider the diagrams being presented from two perspectives allowing the consideration of the plane facing and silhouette. While convening the formulae set forth by the theory of relativity.

Professors and students alike need not mentally climb into the chalkboard attempting to perceive the third axis (presentation media).

Two dimensional representations allow drawing during presentation or prepared media of objects and objectives. I believe the aspect facing and silhouette solve the problems experienced by the presenter and audience.

Ideally shapes are declared and expressed using computation in favour of paper. The understanding of the intended audience might be enhanced. Two lectures might be given, our ability to properly convey the logic can be evaluated as well. A look in through the other side of the glasses for corrective perception.

Solution: concise declaration, the algebraic symbol "z" is reserved for tri-axial volumetric formulae.

This however requires a new class of volumetric formulae precised in two axial one angular spatial coordinates. This form of spatial declaration lends itself to comprehension and implementation alongside the relativistic formulae of physics.

Quantization of space to accompany that of macroscopic quantum field.

If the mass of the Sun relates to gravity, then why is the Sun mostly made of Hydrogen? ..the element with the least mass in the Solar System.

Goodbye blackhole producing extinguished Sun of fantasy.

The Hydrogen atom lacks a nucleon, it has a charge bias compared to more stable and larger atoms. The missing neutron is comprised of 2 yellow down quarks + 1 red up quark = neutron (orangish yellow). The reddish-orange convergent (positive) charge bias of the Hydrogen nucleus ..an agglomeration in space expressing convergent quantum polar field.

Yes, Lepton soup is of the divergent polarity (negative poles, electrons and neutrinos). The center of the potential energy common to a convergent and divergent pole in a given convergence can be likened to a center of "mass", the inception point (x=0, y=0, it is where energy and "mass" transfers happen).

Convergence >< Divergence

The spectrum of elementary particle energies, from the convergent quark pole to the divergent lepton pole by the inception point, ><.

Orthogonal axis angular/linear energy transfers now resemble the mechanism of field proximity densities.

Individuals should apply critical thinking while listening to a professor. We know when the problem of the blackhole was introduced, the individual who held it back from swallowing the universe has a few words precising when the "gravity" related problem originated. Attraction was too nice a concept for warring and selfish pressed beings, the many preferred to perceive themselves as held back by the "clutches of gravity". Unfortunately some would rather feel oppressed by the force that cares.

It is a ball of gas in space... someone tried to tell me the Sun is so heavy it causes gravitation.

Fusion without the reactor about it, only vacuum containment.

If we project that the sun is a convergent pole expressing attraction of particles interferent to it's force. Particle density seems the substrate for macroscopic linear quantum field. Waves were a further detriment to the concept of gravity, that was the confirmation.

The lightest element in the known universe is causing gravity based on it's mass, should I eat this?

None have offered serious rebuttal to these latest developments. I am always seeking the questioning of minds who can find a way to invalidate the conjecture presented or perceive better.

Blackholes, science or campfire stories?

According to Susskind, Hawking also predicted the blackhole would disappear. ⚪️

What steps can we take to stop falling for gravity?

Graphing Truth Vectors, States of Quantum Mechanical Logic Gates https://steemit.com/either/@deanpiecka/graphing-truth-vectors-states-of-quantum-mechanical-logic-gates

ORomeo! ORomeo! A Plagiarising Digital Romance