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RE: What If: You Wake Up And You’re The Last Person on Earth

in #shower-thoughts7 years ago

I'd stock up on food. Gasoline would be good for a while, so that would make it easy to cruise around looking for other people. Once I gave up on that I would likely adopt a bunch of stray doga and start educating myself and preparing to survive off the crumbling infrastructure around me. Books and solar powered TV and gaming should keep me occupied. Having no human companionship would suck, and the mystery of what happened to the rest of humanity would probably haunt me, but I think basic survival projects for myself and my pets would keep me relatively fullfilled and happy. Life without even pets though would probably be unbearable.


Yeah, any person who would use his wits would be able to survive because there would be a lot of resources to use with no one else for competition. As for the mystery, yes, one would never know and that question could even drive one crazy!