A setback

in #sex7 years ago (edited)

A couple of weeks after my visit to Karlota's, I was walking home after a late movie and saw three prostitutes all together. I don't know any of their names anymore, so I'll call them White (for her dress color), Slit (for the long dress with the sides slit to the waist), and Shoulder (for having only one shoulder strap). I'd passed prostitutes before, but didn't stop. This time, feeling adventurous, I started talking to them. White mentioned a low price of 300 pesos for sex, and so I asked how much for all three, although Shoulder was against the whole idea. For 300 pesos each, they agreed to come with me to my apartment. Upon getting out of the cab (which was a 50-peso fare), I didn't have anything smaller than a 500, and none of the women did either. Slit offered to take my 500-note and go with the cab driver for change (I promised him a double fare when he returned), which I thought was a reasonable solution. After a long wait and almost no conversation with the other two, Slit finally came back. The cab driver dropped her off at the street before mine, and when she arrived, she had no change.

Okay, that was an expensive lesson.

I decided to continue with my original plan. We went into my apartment, chatted for a few minutes, then one of them suggested getting started and mentioned payment. I handed 1000 pesos to one of them. One of the other two asked where their money was. I explained that 1000 pesos couldn't be divided evenly into three parts, and they'd have to SHARE ('compartir'). I was proud of myself for coming up with that word, but they were less amused.
I was expecting nude sex, but apparently they expected only to suck me off and for me to fuck their asses, another clue that they weren't quite what they appeared to be. I persuaded White to bare her breasts (small, but still breasts) and ass (small but smooth and very nice to touch), but she wasn't happy about it. I still had trouble getting an erection, and talking with them wasn't so easy; I couldn't remember right away all the words I wanted to say, and they weren't in a mood for language games. White decided it was time for someone else to take over, so Slit took a turn, sucking me and then presenting her ass to me, not baring anything else. Still no erection. Shoulder didn't even make an attempt; she stayed out of it completely. Finally they'd had enough, rearranged their clothes, and though I tried to persuade them not to leave yet, they walked out, leaving me there nude and completely unsatisfied, wondering what the hell just happened.

I suspected from the beginning that they were transsexuals, i.e., "chicks with dicks", people with both penises and breasts, dressed as women, whom I'll call ladyboys, but I also decided that it didn't matter. I was still curious what would happen, how it would go. It went badly for me all around. The only benefit I got out of it was an expensive lesson, but I'm still not sure why it turned out so badly.

For the beginning of the story, click here: https://steemit.com/sex/@stevenlytle/how-a-strip-club-rebooted-my-life


@stevenlytle: This post seems even more vulnerable than the first. That one made me feel happy and free. This one did not. Setback, as you said.

What a disappointment. And in triplicate! No bueno. I'd expect much more from transactional sex. In the future, maybe confirm terms beforehand, like with taxis?

This whole thing feels void of humanity, though. From the names you gave them, to the games they gave you.

For a warmer experience, do you think it'd help to consider the attitude and personality of the woman wearing the dress?

A short chat beforehand is probably a good idea. I feel like a kid in a candy store for the first time, though, and I want to try them all.

Jesus, three? You really did throw the rule book out the window.