A card sent to me from my friend in B.C. a few years ago, a local artist created it, I don't think I'll ever put it in a box. I need this Raven every day.
A painting I've had for a very long time, it's oil paint with the bird made out of records created by my friend back home. I can't zoom out though because it hurts too much...the records used to extend out beyond the canvas and some of the "feather tips" snapped off on our move to Nova Scotia. Been meaning to get it fixed for a long time, but you all know my levels of procrastination are extraordinary.
Clean Cut Boys
@Hendrix22 took the boys to get a much needed ear lowering today...
@AliveFoxDeadFox Stryder Bowes
And While They Were Gone
I hung out with my sweet angel Edgar. Reading, napping, napping, reading. Omg I have like no drive to do anything lately hahaha, the weather has been shit and I've been very introverted. You literally cannot get me out of this house for the last few months. I've been in my room for the better part of 2 days. And I realize, I don't hate people, or society...what I hate is how I feel when I'm out there. It's not you, it's me :)
I See Chickens
"One of the Batmans"
Sonic & Dawn King. And thanks to @norwegianyogis I can't picture Sonic without her little photoshopped viking helmet and sword anymore.
Dawn King, you can see her poor little tail has moulted off loloolol. Party in the front, business in the back.
I See My He-Man Collection
Yes I have every episode and yes I've forced my children to watch it with me all these years. I'd really love the She-Ra box set too #LifeGoals
A Purse from Palestine
My friend got it for me when she was visiting there. I never put it away, it's art to me.
And Lastly, I See Art @KiedisBowes made in Kindergarten...
Thanks for coming along with me on my day. Extra special thanks to @RebeccaRyan for the #seewhatisee tag. I love it for those days where I don't go far! I hope one day you join in and show us around your digs too.
You have such a vibrant & beautiful imagination that keeps us all entertained here and you know it my dear! The boys look very handsome. That procrastination thing you bring up now and then? Hmmm sounds familiar I think I may have mastered that art too 😂
Good to know I have an ally...! Don't procrastinate coming to NS though!!
Nope thats not a procrastination item. I cant wait to meet you guys :)
Hey @lyndsaybowes loving the Ravens and the boys look like cool dudes :) But on a more serious note and equally a question that has plagued me since chidhood .. was there ever a final episode that wrapped up He-Man? Did He and Skeletor have a final face off?? I await your reply with nervous anticipation :D
HAHA noooooo there wasn't a big grand finale...unfortunately :'( :'( It's like it was supposed to have more seasons but then they never did past season 2 :( :(
Cuteness and innocence overloaded <3 <3
Thank you so much for the wonderful photography Lyndsay ;)
PS: I have 5 goats and 7 hens as well ;)
Hermit life indeed. I feel you. I don't want to do much of anything either. I was all amped up to do greenhouse early greens sowing and then we had that big snow and I just feel like hiding under a rock now haha. Soon the mojo for life shall return... perhaps.
Love the raven card. And your kids hairses. I hadnt heard the phrase ear lowering before hahaha
Hahaha that's my super old person saying lmao!!
The snow is definitely what helped kill the last of my vibes...and the fact that it's still here, wtf...I should learn by now...even though we don't get winter til January and I laugh at all my friends back hurts so much in March and April while it drags out like this....
you again back to chicken...😁 btw nice piece of photography 👍
I love the art! And good girl, Edgar! Taking care of her hooman. 💚
You're sounding a little low Lyndsay. Sending lots of love. Sorry to have not stopped by for a while.
Some things to be proud of here. Your gorgeous boys and lovely things from lovely friends. Xxx
Your boys are wonderful. An interesting idea is to share something close, special things that surround us. Come and visit us, I invite you to my #Walkwithme
The Steemit world and all the steemians are just dying to walk with you. They need the fresh sea air and they have not seen the Finer Diner yet. They have not seen the boat in the cove sitting on it's side and how is that little guy on the dock fishing. I know he has been looking for you. :)))
awww my babies. so beautiful and I miss them so. I think they have grown a foot in the past two weeks. Is that what its been two week? Feels like two months. As pretty as it is around here its just not the same as home. I like my street and my neighbours close by and that they are always out side walking their dogs or just walking. You can go days and days here and not see a soul. I miss looking at the water and I miss that smell. All I look at when I look out the window is large pine trees or cedars. Its nice when I go for a run. Also very cold here and windy. Alas think spring. So I feel very hermity here but no reading allowed. Pack, pack and pack. hee. miss you so much xxxxx
The smell will be so much stronger when you come back with all of the ice (hopefully) gone! <3 <3 <3 How's the packing progressing?
Long and arduous, being the highly organized individual that I am and so detailed oriented it is going well, considering its mostly me and my mother, which means mostly me. Thankfully she is on board and that helps so much. It takes long as everything has a story. It has been a long and interesting life. Much love. xxxxx
Hi boy miss u all there :) :) love the chicken .. ^_^
Nice day @lyndsaybowes <3 <3
I hope you had a great day too @au7ia, much Love!
Heyyyyyy girl 💜💚💛💙 i love your raven art 🖤 i think i am getting a raven tattoo on Tuesday. Life is so full of blessings. And, seeing raven yet again before bed is such a great blessing. Your boys are handsome as heck! My son got a hair cut today too!! No pic though. Sadly, both my kids detest photos. I will try tomorrow. 🤞 enjoy the downtime! Garden season is just around the corner!!
Common Edgar! Get Ratty Rat girl 🐱🐀
HAHA right on, I'm so glad that the Raven was synchronistic for you! <3 <3 I can't wait to see what design you use for your new Tat!!!
Ratty Rat won Round 3 !! <3 AHAHAA!!!!!
Nothing like lounging around with a book and a cat, although in my case that usually meant that the book was being used by the cat, making it impossible to read.
HAHAA your cat reads?
Depends on who you ask, giggles! No; my Cats have always had the habit of sitting or laying on whatever book, magazine or newspaper I had in front of me. Things got real interesting when I got my first computer; they sure can type fast, lol!
When one sheep crosses the road they all follow, so why don't goats do the same thing?
Because goats read the paper before they eat it.
Every mom needs a down day when she gets to relax and do what she wants. Handsome boys! Nice haircuts.
Thanks Ceci <3 They're loving the fresh cuts, and I sure did enjoy a full day off nothingness...Brendan even cooked supper <3 <3 <3 :) :) :) :) :)
Wow! A super relaxing day for mom! You have got it made in the shade!
keep spirit @lyndasaybowes, you can be active here. ^_^ and share what you feel and know to the world. Regard from indonesia
Thank you so much sweetie!
You are welcome @lyndsaybowes. I follow you
Now I see where the boys get the looks, ah they could make a sweet rock band team lol, I guess you could make do with the chickens lol
I definitely agree with you on the band thing, and they are all musically talented, so here's to hoping they get together one day!
Cool art, handsome dudes, plucky chickens.
Of course the he-man collection made me think of this (though I'm sure you must have seen this already if you're a HM fan.)
Ba hahahaha!!! I haven't seen that in years, thanks Winston, Brendan and I both had a laugh! :) :) :)
@lyndsyabowes, our area has electricity power cut now and my laptop wanna getting battery low. So I read very speedy and give small feed back. Both boys very smart and handy. Chicken family nice to see today. Just excellent one and inspire me lot. Stay blessed.
Ooh sorry to hear about the electricity, that is terrible. Sending you all my good energy!
You kids are beautifuL MASSALLAH!
Now I see where the boys get the looks, ah they could make a sweet rock band team lol, I guess you could make do with the chickens lol
Stop copying other people's comments. You do this every day and it's totally shit.