SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST • WEEK 100 • SPECIAL 100th EDITION !!!!! Until 17,5 Hive Prizes !!!!


!!!! SPECIAL 100th !!!!

Theme announcement trame free.jpg


. For this Special 100th edition the of #seaphotography contest, the theme is:

The #seaphotography contest has been in place for 100 weeks now, first on Steemit, then now on Hive. It is never easy to run a competition regularly and attract more and more participants. But your photos and your messages of encouragement have motivated me to always continue. Thank you. To celebrate this 100th edition with dignity, a special price of 10 Hive offered by @talenclub, will be added to the usual prices. That is a total of 17.5 Hive of price for this week !!! I will be responsible for designating the usual prizes, as for the special prize, @talentclub has appointed @ juancar347 as jury. The theme is left open this week. Make us dream and good luck to all of you !

Voilà désormais 100 semaines que le concours #seaphotography est en place, d'abord sur Steemit, puis maintenant sur Hive. Ce n'est jamais facile d'animer avec régularité un concours et d'attirer toujours plus de participants. Mais vos photos et vos messages d'encouragements m'ont motivé pour toujours continuer. Je vous en remercie. Pour fêter dignement cette 100th édition un prix spécial de 10 Hive offert par @talenclub, viendra s'ajouter aux prix habituels. Soit un total de 17,5 Hive de prix pour cette semaine !!! Je serai responsable de désigner les prix habituels, quant au prix spécial, @talentclub a désigné @juancar347 comme jury. Le thème est laissé libre cette semaine. Faites nous rêver et bonne chance à tous !


1- Post your photography on the monday submission post announcing the contest of the week (Below this post!)

2- Upvote this post announcing the contest (% of upvote will be noted to calculate prize).

3- The photographer must be the author of the photography presented to the contest. Any attempt at plagiarism will be denounced and its author blacklisted of the contest. NO PLAGIARISM!

4- Write a few words about your photography indicating the place, the exif, or any others informations that the photographer will judge useful. English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Marsian, all languages ​​are accepted. However, an English translation in a parallel column could be usefull for everyone ...

5- The photography can be submitted from Monday to Saturday midnight. Only one photography per contest and per author.

***THAT'S ALL !!!***


SPECIAL PRICE OF 10 HIVE THANKS TO @TalentClub contribution

So winner will be announced by me this weekend and will earn

*** 3,5 Hive + your %upvote * 2 Hive***

And an honorable mention will be also announced by me this weekend and will earn

*** 1 Hive + your %upvote * 1 Hive***

And the special price will be announced by @talentclub and @juancar347 and will ear:

*** 10 Hive***



I will annonce the winner of WEEK100, and will present my favorite #seaphotography, this week end...! I can not wait to enjoy your photographs. Thank you for participating and resteem this post !



Contact me on discord #4302 or in this comment section


On Instagram here

On my website

On Facebook here

Pleaase, let me call, the contributors of the contest:


On the other hand, if you publish on your blog photography highlighting the sea whatever the theme choiced, and using the tag #seaphotography as first tag, you can have a chance to see your work upvoted and presented on my blog.


It looks like a really nice place. Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

Voici ma participation :

Publication : Concours SeaPhotography contest week 100 : Beautiful lake and mountain sunset

Here is a magnificent sunset that I took on my return by bike on Saturday evening coming back from Leysin taken from the Chillon castle. Magnificent view of the Alps and Lake Geneva at the "golden hour" with impressive shades of red and purple.

Joli dégradé. Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

Merci, s'était impressionnant avec le mauve / violet ;)

Here my entry for the 100th contest !

Picture taken in Tregastel, while suddently a fog appears in the afternoon which gave such a mystic impression.


Marée bretonne ? Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !



Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Oh, that's a burning shot ! Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

800 PLANET! You have been rewarded with a 80% vote. Your action makes this project grow and helps to restore a Clean Planet! Join us on our Discord Channel and on our websiteThanks to @marc-allaria for burning

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 22 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Need to look for something very very special for this week ;)

Yes !!!! Maybe you need to create it !!

número 100Esperamos que lleguen muchas participaciones, @juancar347 es un excelente fotógrafo y escritor, por lo que hará un gran trabajo en esta edición especial

Será un placer, aunque muy difícil, dada la categoría de los fotógrafos que suelen presentarse, representar a @talentclub en ésta edición tan especial.

Muchas gracias por aceptar ser jurado.

No se merecen. Un placer.

Es aquí cuando pienso, que es una lástima que viva tan lejos del mar... Muchos éxitos a todos los participantes, sé que habran grandes entradas...

Y feliz semana 100 al concurso #seaphotography

¡Muévase de su región! jaja ! Y Muchas gracias por su ayuda.

Hello! Take a look😉, this is my entry for the 100th edition of #seaphotography contest😊👇

White hole, nice metaphor ! Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

Thank you😉

DSC_0002.JPGHi everyone, my entry for special 100th seaphotography ...

Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition and for sharing a part of Italia with us.

Ma petite participation pour la 100ème


mon post: SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - WEEK 100 | Orange

Il brûle ce ciel ! Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

Pour les couleurs de levé ou couché du soleil ici ont est plutôt gaté 🙂

Witness FR - Génération X - Geek 🤓 Gamer 🎮 voyageur ⛩️
Ne loupez pas le Hive Power UP Day! plus d'info ici

My entry

Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

My pleasure

Good night! Here's my entry for this week! 😎

Beware of the Rocks

Links: Ecency / PeakD / Busy / Hive Blog
Tribes: PalNet / CreativeCoin

Another nice shot from you ! Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

Happy to see your photo every weeks. Thank you for your participation at this 100th edition !

My pleasure @marc-allaria and i will do my best to participate every week 👍