Tesla Sustainable Village and Innovation Centre – Croatia

in #science7 years ago

Partnership with Descendant of Nikola Tesla


Yes, the name is correct – but try to remember the original Nikola Tesla, and you will be on the right path. Today, the world is full of Tesla this and that, but today I am happy to inform you, after three years of patience and perseverance, we are one step closer to realising Nikola Tesla’s vision. I have to share the story, otherwise, it is too factual, and loses the real “fairy-tale” that lies behind it all.

In June 2014 I was introduced to a young man whose father was working on a project with a guy called Tomislav Tesla. At first, I asked is this the real deal, and I was quickly assured he was the real deal! So we met in a small coffee shop in downtown Budapest, and we discussed his patent for Hydro Electric Energy Plant. A very simple yet effective process that harnesses the energy from flowing waterways, and generates electricity. What was particularly of significance there was no impact on the eco-system, was very simple and had a very low cost per KWh.

I have seen prototypes working, as well as detailed analysis of the technology, but one thing lead to another and we went our separate paths. We stayed in contact, and more recently, particularly since the beginning of 2017, we have had 4 more meetings to review his other technologies and patents. The man is a genius, pure and simple. One of the most creative minds I have ever come across, and also very humble indeed.

Community Already Growing

As fate would have it, I also crossed paths with other like-minded individuals, who share the same passion as I do. Wanting to live a sustainable life, in a loving and caring environment, as well as offering something back to humanity. Of course, this has just grown and grown, to the point where we have reached an agreement with Tomislav Tesla, to join our team, and to create the Tesla Sustainable Village and Tesla Innovation Centre.

As we begin to finalise our business plans and agreements with others, we are building bridges with many cultures and nationalities. We are reaching out to those that wish to become involved in the project, and aligning our skill-sets to create what will be a living example of community living. Our soul intention is to create a community that can benefit from living in a sustainable way, as well as contribute something to the community. Whether it be growing bio-organic produce on a piece of land, or wanting to teach about metaphysics and the universe, or creating our very own Tesla Coin.

Our plans are very realistic and achievable. With a vision that is one which will give so many new ideas and solutions to global issues, the Tesla innovation centre will become a global centre of excellence. For example, we already have solutions for low-cost housing, hydroelectricity, railway safety, fresh water distribution and a whole myriad of outlandish ideas. What is missing, of course, the necessary funding to bring it all together!

Over the coming weeks, we shall be finalising our crowdfunding presentation, any guidance on where to best run this would be appreciated. Is it possible to use Steemit perhaps to raise donations or attract ethical investors? Is there anyone that is willing to help us achieve the best we can to ensure this time Teslas’ wish of giving back to humanity is achieved? Your comments are appreciated. Do we need to go to commercial banks and traditional lending platforms to create a project of this nature? We would like to believe not - hence our call for help and guidance.

We are currently creating the website and capturing aerial footage of the proposed site, as well as all the technical terms, that any investor will seek – but ultimately we believe the only way to best ensure the Tesla goal is achieved is to limit the traditional funding options out of the equation. It is our wish to launch between 14th and 28th July 2017 and run the campaigns until September.

Global TV Documentary Potential

As a footnote, several of the founders have already been interviewed by a US filmmaker, who has been following activities in Croatia since the beginning of 2017. The producer we also connected with by chance and we were interviewed in April 2017. The film crew plan to return again in late August/early September, to continue documenting the things that have changed in the interviewees’ lives since the last filming. It is our understanding, that there is the potential to be included in a future documentary series by a household name broadcaster. If this is the case we know that the universe is shining on us, and the realisation is inevitable.

I will release further information again in 7 days, in the meantime, please raise awareness of our project, so that others may also be interested. We can all be part of helping the true Tesla brand to the world for all to see. To remember the legacy Nikola Tesla left us so that we can ensure his wishes are realised and accessible to the most vulnerable, as well as be implemented without the need for greed or excessive profits. This is a chance for us to all have a positive impact alongside the Tesla name – let’s make the world great again!

The beginning of our project has already begun, we have agreed to purchase some land in Croatia that in some fated way also looks like Tesla's own buildings!


Previous post regarding the Tesla village


Some snippets of one of Tomislav Tesla ideas and patents.

tesla 1.jpg


Wow! This needs to be spread far and wide within @steemit. Resteeming, and following you. Maybe you can get @steemfilm to take a look at this project and offer up their expertise in how to get this a wider film distribution? Good luck and looking forward to the future of this!

Thanks...we need as much help as possible

inspiring! we all should do the same around the World! Tesla was a genius!

The idea is to create something that forms a blueprint for others to take with them, inviting others with know how, to share it together, and transfer it all to other places around the world...this is the Tesla dream :) Thank you!

Thx for that Movie , we will follow examples , like Tesla

awesome article @askdeano! is so bad that great post like yours are not getting more awarness. Anyway, this is an awesome video of what really frugal innovation is. By the way i met this guy:


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