Why do human need/want sex??"The enigma about sex in human."

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow steemians
It’s always a pleasure to see you all!!

You all will be feeling awkward on seeing today’s topic.But being a medico, I feel I should really talk on this topic.

It is still very difficult to understand for some people from the third world, where they believe sex as "offences" or a stuff which shouldn’t be discussed in the public, rather should be limited to husband and wife.But thanks to the people from the first and second world, who are really aware of it and take sex as one of their biological needs, just like food!!

So, I am just trying to aware the people from all parts of the world about sex and its necessity.Hope you will love to read it.
Let's begin our topic

From time immemorial human has been practising sex.There could be various reasons for sex and I will be highlighting all those in the latter part of this post.But at first I feel I should make you know

Why do we have sexual desire and arousal?

Actually, the euphoric and pleasurable experiences of sex stem primarily from limbic system(also called as emotional or sex center) which includes amygdala, hippocampus, and limbic lobe situated near the the hypothalamus in the brain.When the brain receives any emotional signal via touch, sight, smell, hearing, these signals are transferred to amygdala where they are processed to induce an extreme feeling of pleasure as well as motivating pleasure-seeking behaviors.This results in the release of sex hormones testosterone and estrogen in male and female respectively by stimulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.Simultaneous activation of a parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system results in vasodilation in sexual organs.
These overall effects result in sexual desire and arousal in human.

Please read the link here

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(limbic system of the brain associated with emotion and excitement)

There are different views regarding need/want of sex.People say they need/want sex:-

  • For procreation and continuation of their genes and human race for continued existence.
  • For pleasurable feeling
  • For lowering of stress
  • For strengthening of romantic bonds
  • As a means to break up
  • Beacuse they are drunk or feeling horny
  • To show their manhood to their family, friends, and society
  • As their ancestors had gone through it, so they also need to go on their way(so as to tie their bloodlines together)

So what do you think?Are these the reasons why human need/want sex?

Yah these can be some reasons for which human really need/want sex.But these can't be the only reasons for sex.


Let me clear it,

  • After invention of traditional and recent birth control options, most of the sex which are ongoing right now isn't about procreation(hope you agree??).
  • People start having sex before they plan of having children and continue to do so long after they have had them.
  • The business of genitals, reproductive pleasures spreading to all parts of the body such as Breasts, Buttocks and Thigh, Shoulder, Face aren't exactly meant for procreation.
  • People watch porn, perform oral sex and even other forms of unnatural sexual practices(which I had discussed in my last blog on "Sexual perversions") contravenes the assumption that human sexuality is desired and focused around procreation.

Let me give you an example:-
Mycocepurus smithii is a species of fungus-growing on ants.These are all female ants and reproduce asexually only.Queen Ant clones itself and when eggs are fertilized, they all hatchet female resulting in whole house of new ants.So if sex is for procreation only, this species can be the sole reason, where procreation can be made even without sex(Please co-relate this example with above scenario, where people think sex is for procreation only).

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(Mycocepurus smithii having asexual mode of reproduction only)

So if sex isn't for procreation then it must be for pleasure?

This time you may be right again.Sexual pleasure is fundamentally a social construct and an emergent property of social exchanges, but we still have some alternative to sex for pleasure, for orgasm we want.We can get it in faster and cheaper way, with less risk of pregnancy and disease i.e. through Masturbation(Yah it is less pleasurable and unsatisfying but it can be practiced in substitute to sex).

But why then human actually need/want sex??

The curiosity is over.The unknown fact about need/want of sex for a human has been revealed.Alpeople are practicing sex from a long time, they are unknown about this fact, maybe they tried very late to reveal the reality.
So it is only the sexual reproduction that results in genetic diversity and because of which there is actually the survival of human species.
Sex is the process of sharing of our genetic materials.These sharing help us to stay stronger and better able to fight the diseases.Since genetic variety is beneficial, sex allows to purge bad DNAs and also helps to bring new evolutionary changes in human species.

We can learn it from our ancestors, from their evolution from Ardipithecus ramidus to present-day Homo sapiens.It is the sex among their mates which results in genetic variation by mutations.Those some mutations are actually beneficial and required to differentiate humans from other species and also among same species both phenotypically and genotypically.

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(evolution of our forefathers)

As per Red queen hypothesis, Sexual evolution is like race.All evolving organism need to combat another organism by mutation of their own type so as to stay inbalance in the nature.And sex is the only way to bring mutations of own type among their own species for their existence in nature.
Link for Red queen hypothesis

So sex isn't actually human wants, rather it is their needs.This is what I want our Steemians to grasp from this post.Hope you liked it.If I am wrong please feel free to correct me!!


1.Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology(A South Asian Edition)

6.Youtube videos 2.https://www.google.com.np/amp/s/www.zmescience.com/science/why-do-we-have-sex/amp/ 3.https://www.google.com.np/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/blog/insight-therapy/201204/why-do-we-have-sex%3Famp 4.http://neurosciencefundamentals.unsw.wikispaces.net/Sex+and+the+Brain.+What+parts+are+involved%3F 5.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2917081/

Thank you

Have a good day!!


You evoked my fantacy about sex😂🤣

I think I should take it as a compliment,

This was educative
Nice post

Thanks for reading.

very educative. people so much love sex

Thanks for reading.