Meditation 3: Break the prayer routine.

in #sc-v5 years ago


Greetings to the whole community.

Prayer is the channel of communication with God. It is the vehicle we use to express our emotions and thoughts before God. To pray is to speak with God. When we talk to God we must be aware of what we are talking about. However, there are situations in which we are talking with God and everything seems like a mechanical communication, that is, we repeat what we always say the times we talk to God.

We do not realize that we have fallen into a routine of prayer, in which we automatically repeat empty words before God. We do this over and over again, and everything has become a constant routine.

The Lord Jesus taught his disciples that they should take care of themselves in prayer "vain repetitions." This leads us to review our prayer lives and make the relevant changes so that our prayers become effective prayers, as James 5:16 says.

..... The effective prayer of the righteous can a lot.

Effective prayer is more powerful than simple routine and repetitive prayer. It does not focus on a recipe sentence or preset rules. It is a spontaneous prayer that comes from the bottom of your heart and is sincere before God.

When every time you pray and say the same words, you are in the presence of a routine and repetitive prayer. You get used to always saying the same thing mechanically and this leads you to waste your time, because God doesn't hear "vain repetitions."

You must strive to make the prayer effective, what James says, "can a lot." It is the prayer full of power that transforms every environment of darkness and evil. It is the renewal and healthy prayer that guarantees you spiritual, emotional and material stability.