Galaxy S9+ Has the best camera (mobile device) nowadays.
The camera got 99 mark in the DXO Mark.
But as the company Publicitying is the camera really so much good ?
"one of the major improvement in camera is the variable aprature (1.5-2.2)
but is it really nedded?"
before the mobile launched we khow that there was a war between mobile phone company to increase the aprature.because the more aprature the more low lite performance.
the s8 has 1.7. pixel2 has 1.8 etc .............
so why the samsung use the aprature 1.5 & 2.2 ? because they want to create a hype about their mobile . it the camera had only 1.5 aprature then will it not take good photos ? ofcouse yes. samsung says 1.5 for low light & 2.2 for normal lighting condition . if you take a picture in aprature 1.5 in day light you see almost no difference.....
"So the only improvement is the increasing of the aprature to 1.5 "
Now another interesting fact is the live translator in camera.... the youtubers are telling about the feature.
but this not new... the googlr translator do the same thing in any android mobile phone....
you can easily do that using google translator on your mobile phone.
the another fact is the imoji........ LOL
So this was for today . i will come again with some real / dirty secret about tech.
Till then Bye..