Expired as MP recently But before leaving the parliament, he gave all his wages and allowances to the country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi's relief fund. Rajya Sabha MP Sachin Tendulkar has come to Parliament He came to the Rajya Sabha for a few days as MP. The only actress to compare with her is Rekha.In the last 6 years, Tendulkar got 90 lakh rupees as salary and other allowances. He paid the money to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund. A statement from the PMO said, "The Prime Minister accepted the donation. He thanked Sachin also. That money will help the poor people. 'Sachin has spent a lot of money in Parliament as well as several welfare projects. In his statement from his office, it has been reported that he has spent Rs. 7.4 crore for 185 projects in the country between Tk 30 crore found as MP's. Most of them are in the field of education. Besides, he also adopted two village villages of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra under the Village Samarth Gram Yojana.
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