I used to be a runner

in #run3 days ago

Not some Olympic-level pro, but running was my thing for quite some time — my stress relief, my way to clear my head, and honestly, just an excuse to eat more kebab. I even managed to finish a half marathon once! That day? Absolute legend status in my book — proof that my legs and lungs could actually work together without plotting my downfall.

Then COVID hit, and boom — my running shoes gathered dust. Was it the change in routine? Lack of motivation? Who knows. To top it off, I went and dislocated my ankle, which benched me for half a year. No physio, no rehab — just me hoping my leg would magically fix itself (and it did, i think...).

But today... today I ran 1.9 kilometers. Sure, that’s not exactly record-breaking, but man, it felt like I’d just conquered Mount Everest. No pain, no awkward limping — just me, my shoes, and that sweet feeling of heck yeah, I’m back! I remembered why I loved this stuff — that zen state when your mind goes quiet, and your body’s just vibing along.


I know I’ve got work to do — rest days, strengthening exercises, and taking it slow. Once a week. Maybe twice. We'll see. But today reminded me of something important: I’m back on track. Not just on the pavement, but back to feeling like me.

And honestly? That’s pretty awesome.


Keep on running! You are back

Hey man. Hope all is well. This does seem like you. I noticed you were getting downvoted. Hopefully you got that sorted out.

Yeah, some Hive marshals got some issues with AI assisted writing. You gotta mark theeze texts and you're golden. Well, English is not my native language, so I'll do my thing on. Keep it interesting/funny(at least for me). And see what happpens next.