Dream to be A Star (Part 4): Herbie Number 10

in #risingstar4 years ago

Source: Pexels, modified

George The Bold was delighted with my performance at Open Mic Night yesterday. He praised me so many times that embarrassed me. George said the songs I delivered were amazing, really excited, and made the audience happy. He suggested I continued practicing the songs.

This morning George made a surprise. "Please get out for a moment. See what's in front of your house," he said over the phone.

I jumped out of bed and dashed forward. I didn't care for Mama who was stunned to see me flying from the bedroom to the front door. When the door opened, I saw an old Volkswagen Beetle parked in the driveway.

"Congratulation. The car is for you. Get ready to take the next step to become a superstar," said George with a chuckle.

"Thanks, Uncle George. You're a good old man!" I shouted on the phone.

t6 Cheap Car Car

Volkswagen Beetle was a classic car. This car and music were hard to separate, especially in the music videos and TV shows in 1990s and 2000s. Of course there was an element of marketing. You would find it on Candy, Mandy Moore's first music video, to Take On Me by A-ha and Theme From Harry's Game by Clannad (See more on SongFacts).

I got into the car and turned on the radio. Rising Star Radio began to play some songs. There were many Juxta songs playing. Juxta was an English punk rock musician. He collaborated with Grand Space Adventure on Rise UpHive). Several other songs have also appeared, such as ZeitgeistDon't Panic, their most popular track to date (See @atomcollector article on by Gribbles (@gribbles) and by Grand Space Adventure (@grandspace). I danced around hearing these familiar songs.

A car deserved a name. This old Beetle was too. I gave it name Herbie 10. I took Herbie from Herbert Jeffrey Hancock nickname, a famous American pianist who was born on April 12, 1940. About number 10, I took the jersey number of my favourite soccer player Lionel Messi. Pretty name, right? What do you think?

My trip on Rising Star was not in vain. Some of the missions I had passed had paid off. I got some cards which were very useful in pursuing my music career. For example, I got a Pizza Box, which was useful for storing pizza slices that you got while playing on various missions, like Illegal Busker, Open Mic Night, and others. With Pizza Box, you could keep dan use pizza slices later if you need them so that they were not wasted when unused. You could get this as a reward or bought it in the game.

Pizza Box Card

There were several other cards you could get in the game that were useful for increasing your fans, skills, and luck. Below are two examples of those cards.

i8 Mid Range Mic Card

R15 Retro Groovebox

The path to become a musician was not easy. But, with hard work and luck, you could keep up. I remembered Juxta's comment when asked what his advice to musicians was. He answered (Source: Music of the Future):

To just go for it! You may think that you are not good enough but I am telling you that with all the technology available nowadays ANYONE can make music and there will always be someone out there that will like it!

That was a motivating message. Yes, there was always someone out there who would like your music. One of them was the people here at @hive.

I'm looking forward to playing again on Open Mic Night in George The Bold's The Sun Also Rise Pub. Wait for me there, fellas.

Mimpi Menjadi Bintang (Bagian 4): Herbie Nomor 10

Source: Ali Muftuogullari from Pexels

George The Bold sangat senang dengan penampilanku di Open Mic Night kemarin. Dia memujinya berkali-kali hingga membuatku malu. George bilang lagu-lagu yang kubawakan luar biasa, sangat bersemangat dan membuat penonton senang. Dia menyarankan aku melatih terus lagu-lagu itu.

Pagi ini George membuat kejutan. "Coba kau keluar sebentar. Lihat ada apa di depan rumahmu," katanya melalui telepon.

Aku melompat dari ranjang dan melesat ke depan. Tak kuperdulikan Mama yang terbengong-bengong melihatku terbang dari kamar tidur ke ruang depan. Ketika pintu terbuka, aku melihat sebuah Volkswagen Beetle tua terparkir di jalan depan rumah.

"Selamat. Mobil itu untukmu. Bersiaplah untuk meniti langkah berikutnya untuk menjadi megabintang," kata George sambil tergelak.

"Trims, Paman George. Kau orang tua yang baik!" teriakku di telepon.

t6 Cheap Car

Volkswagen Beetle adalah mobil klasik. Mobil ini dan musik susah dipisahkan, terutama pada video musik dan pertunjukan TV di era 1990-an dan 2000-an. Tentu ada unsur pemasaran. Kau akan menemukannya di Candy, musik video pertama Mandy Moore, hingga Take On Me oleh A-ha dan Theme From Harry's Game oleh Clannad (Lihat lainnya di SongFacts).

Aku masuk ke mobil itu dan menghidupkan radionya. Lagu-lagu meluncur dari Rising Star Radio. Hari itu ada banyak lagu Juxta yang diputar. Juxta adalah musisi punk rock Inggris. Dia berkolaborasi dengan Grand Space Adventure dalam Rise UpHive). Beberapa lagu lain juga muncul, seperti ZeitgeistDon't Panic, trek paling populer hingga saat ini (Lihat artikel @atomcollector di oleh Gribbles (@gribbles) dan oleh Grand Space Adventure (@grandspace). Aku berjingkrak-jingkrak mendengar lagu-lagu yang familiar ini.

Sebuah mobil pantas punya nama. Juga Beetle tua ini. Dia kuberi nama Herbie 10. Nama Herbie kuambil dari nama panggilan Herbert Jeffrey Hancock, pianis Amerika terkenal yang lahir pada 12 April 1940. Soal nomor 10, kuambil dari nomor punggung pemain sepak bola Lionel Messi. Nama yang cantik, kan? Bagaimana menurutmu?

Tak sia-sia perjalananku di Rising Star selama ini. Beberapa misi yang telah kulewati telah mmebuahkan hasil. Aku mendapat beberapa kartu yang sangat berguna dalam meniti karir musik ini. Misalnya, aku mendapat Pizza Box, yang berguna untuk menyimpan potongan pizza yang kau dapat saat bermain dalam berbagai misi, seperi Illegal Busker, Open Mic Night, atau lainnya. Dengan adanya Pizza Box, potongan pizza yang kau dapat bisa kau gunakan nanti bila dibutuhkan sehingga tidak terbuang sia-sia ketika tak terpakai. Kau bisa mendapatkan ini sebagai hadiah atau membelinya di game.

Pizza Box Card

Ada beberapa kartu lain yang bisa kau dapatkan di game yang berguna untuk memperbanyak penggemar, meningkatkan keterampilan, dan menambah keberuntungan. Di bawah ini dua contoh kartu itu.

i8 Mid Range Mic Card

R15 Retro Groovebox

Jalan menjadi musisi tidaklah mudah. Tapi, dengan kerja keras dan keberuntungan, kau bisa menapakinya. Aku ingat pesan Juxta ketika ditanya apa sarannya kepada musisi. Dia menjawab (Sumber: Music of the Future):

Lakukan saja! Kamu mungkin berpikir bahwa kamu tidak cukup baik tetapi saya memberi tahu kamu bahwa dengan semua teknologi yang tersedia saat ini, SIAPA PUN dapat membuat musik dan akan selalu ada seseorang di luar sana yang akan menyukainya!

Itu pesan yang memotivasi. Ya, selalu ada seseorang di luar sana yang akan menyukai musikmu. Salah satunya adalah orang-orang di Hive.

Aku sudah tak sabar untuk bermain kembali di Open Mic Night di The Sun Also Rise Pub milik George The Bold. Tunggu aku di sana, kawan-kawan.

I am a writer, blogger, and photographer. I hope you like my work. Please vote and reblog this post and follow @blogiwank if you support me.


Fabulous 🤘

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Nice post, congrats!

M4L curator

Thank you my friend. Hope you like it.

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Wow. Thank you for your suppport @tlundy47. My journey still continue...