Doing more of the same won't lead to a different result.

in #riseup7 years ago

At this point, dear reader, you are aware that there is a grand conspiracy of interests to keep you ignorant and docile.
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You know the nightly news is lying to you.
You likely know that your education was an indoctrination.
You know the world can do better than war, oppression, poverty, and misery for 100's of millions of humans.
Poverty and hunger could be wiped out by simply ending the wars.
You know all this but you still send your kids to indoctrination camps.
You raise them to follow the rules that keep the ruling class ruling.
You shave your face and legs, you put on your best clothes, you grin and bear the drudgery that is your job.
When will you have enough?
When will your rebellion be more than shaking your head and commiserating with your friends?

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We need to cut military spending but that doesn't necessarily end hunger and poverty. It would help some though. We might be able to help end poverty and hunger with all the food we waste here in the USA though.

If you had a clue how much wealth is sucked up to the top to pay for pizza parties, youd know that poverty is a desired outcome of crapitalism.
(It makes the pizza cheaper.)

I think it's debatable who is more wasteful. I think the poor are generally more wasteful since a lot of them don't work and are supported by the rich.
It seems like almost every poor person I know is broke but almost all of them have tattoos and a lot of them do drugs and smoke and play the lottery.
There is a cycle though. I think we need to get more poor people to buy houses instead of paying rent.

Or, we could keep working, but stop paying and shame them into getting jobs.

Generally when true anarchy happens people don't worry about others and focus only on their survival.
Why can't we shame people now? There are poor people in the USA and jobs available.

Jebus, here we go, AGAIN!

Learn what anarchism is before slandering it, eh?
You have no clue.
Your indoctrination has you believing lies.
Anarchy is order.
Its why we circle the A.

Your thought controllers told you anarchy is chaos, but that is false.
It is in their interests to keep you from knowing the truth.

I'm going by the real definition and not the dream world broke hippy commune.
I think wealth does help create a need for more order since there are envious people in this world.

This post disturbs me with generalisation, I do none of the above.

Yes, but you are exceptional.
Few have the luck of being as capable as you.
Not saying they cant, just that they havent.

Or? They do not want too.

Yes, it is easier to go along, get a tie, a real job, and slowly die, rather than grab life and live a little outside the matrix.

I won't riot, but I will use as much of my energy as I can to learn how to effectively articulate to others why the belief in authority is detrimental to society.

Each of us have to do it our own way.


Violence is all they know how to react to, stop paying tax, refuse to send children to school, stop the endless feeding your children to the system, every violent uprising, ends in yet another dictator rising.

okay, i am not going to actually riot. i've made changes to take a step back from the rat race. i left my secure, direct deposit job behind over a year ago. i don't follow television news, or whatever narrative they're trying to cram down our throats. i found my lane and it's a lot more peaceful here than other places i've resided. i just enjoyed the sentiment of this post and it's created a dialog between strangers on a topic bigger than the kardashians or whatever the fuck people are wrapped up in these days.

Superb comment and also life choice, I tip my hat to you fellow kindred spirit.

Not all of them, look at spain during their revolution before hitler's planes bombed them into submission.

I will agree that what you do is effective.
The way to end the old is to build the new, but in the meantime we continue to suffer.

Insurrection expedites change, brings attention from the apathetic, and reminds those that rule by force what it feels like when it is on the other foot.

"the way to end the old is build the new" is the best quote i've heard since "i don't want to be a product of my environment, but my environment to be a product of me". who can name the movie?

Not me, i dont watch many movies.

it's from the beginning of the departed. i rarely actually sit down and watch a movie i haven't seen, but my favorites play in the background on a regular basis. this one comes highly recommended. it's basically perfect and based on true events.

Is that the one where the bear attacks leonardo dicaprio?

I am in my own way building the new, every post I do is for this effort, I am leaving nothing to chance, I will highlight the bad, and put forth my view of how we can strive to do better, I have a whole book I wrote on a system based on banking for the people owned by the people, a system that will require everyone to take some responsibility, I spent 3 years writing it. I have not got to posting it yet, in time I will, the seeds have to be planted first, and you help that.

You are.
Giving away food is one of the most injurous things you can do to crapitalism.
It hits them right in the bread basket.

Smashing glass also smashes the illusion.
Crapitalism is fraud, perpetuated by the ignorance of the masses of how it works.
Folks are waking up to the bankster fraud.
Now if we can get them to reject rule by force we will have most of the struggle in the bag.

Do you have a pdf of that book?
Here is one that might interest you.

It is a reinterpretation of proudhons bank some 80 years after france jailed him for having more money than the french govt.

Superb thanks bro, no I wrote it on paper, the Mrs thought I was crazy, seems she is of my way of thinking now, she is wide awake, and thinks I am crazy no more, more than that, she is now part of the team, not just a partner in bed so to speak, she sees what I always did, sometimes it gets to her though, she is not as thick skinned as us it seems.

Man, ive been doing this full time since '04, and just this week i had to take a break because the apathy of the masses was getting me down. This empathy stuff can feel overrated.
Well, that and the whales that read me but cant come off of a fraction of a vote because to do so would be to admit i am right.

Its not easy being right when most others are wrong.

Im just glad that i am finally tapping into others that know, too.
Not many ancoms in oklahoma.
I had a chance to meet one from the same city, but i was ancrap at the time and he got tired of trying to explain how wrong i was.
I went back some years later to admit i was wrong but he had left the board.
It has since been wiped from the web when it transitioned to a new host.
It took much of my writing with it.

Poverty and hunger could be wiped out by simply starting WWIII.
(There won't be anyone left).

True, but isnt short circuiting the banksters a better plan?
It comes with free lambos!
Keep working, stop paying.

The short circuit will come, we just don't know when. The current monetary system needs constant growth in order to work. But will live in a closed planet with limited resourses and a growing population so it is inevitable that the shit is gonna hit the fan sooner or later.

Just ask zimbabwe and the weimar republic,...

Its just a matter of time, the genie is out of the bottle and on the internet!

Id sure like to have a few kilos of those put up somewhere.

No need for a mask . ill just riot .

Possibly many reading this get it but I would wager most people are still woefully ignorant and just trying to get paid and get laid. No worries man, the whole house of Cards is collapsing around us whether they will it or not, are aware or not.

I am excited about the future and extremely grateful to be able to live through this time in history.

Freedom is in the air, if we are brave enough to grab it and live it.

Absolutely friend!!

what a great post!
I juststarted thinking this way this year! Better late than never right.
Who cares what food George clooney ate or what shoe Miley Cyrus wore.
Our priorities are so fucked up.
If those at the top really wanted to, they could end poverty in the world, in a heart beat by distributing their wealth....but in this society, that is never happening. I have seen few cases like this though like Charles Mully in Kenya, he is now a father to 13,000 orphaned street kids.
Rise up if you have been sleeping like me!
Make a change today!
We can do it.

I don’t necessarily think it’s about taking wealth from the rich to fix our problems. The issue is when the rich were amassing their wealth everyone else was asleep or poorly financially educated. Taking money from the wealthy to give poor people is like giving a poor man fish. It’s better to teach him how to fish. There are still ways to get rich by making sacrifices and learning to work smarter instead of harder.
For example, I moved from my fancier 1 bed room apartment to renting a room in someone’s house and I saved a lot to invest in other stuff. That has been the best decision for me personally.

I get your point, i'm just saying we can do more for each other in general

If we would keep doing the work, but refuse to sell it to crapitalusts for the lowest wages while buying it back at the highest prices, you could have your own place, for free.
Keep working, stop paying.

We can do much better than we are now.

We just have to cooperate rather than compete.

i agree

Do no harm but stand your ground. Lead by example. Go stateless and stop participating in your corporate fascist governments. That is the only NON violent solution.

Yep, if nonviolent resistence is your goal you cant do better than just ignoring them and doing what you do.
That is how weed is getting legalized.