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I feel like an asshole...

No need, but you did waste a LOT of voting power for nothing...

I know but it is my duty to try with what little I have. I didn't want to but I did.

Hopefully a few votes make up for it. Thanks for playing along.

I am grateful but I am going to flag myself.

Because I think there’s a lot of crimes unsolved, what the heck, i’ll join

No problem. I was afraid to cause you could crush me.

Well sure. Now, if you would have flagged me then commented with "@haejin is the master chart bullshitter!" then I may have gone after you.

Fuck sakes guys lol. I totally get the point of this. I do care about the raping of the rewards pool. I used all of my weekly VP downvoting that rapist @haejin and the heat I took from regular users was ridiculous.

I have a hard time understanding how anyone can agree with 10+ $250 posts a day. How can anyone agree that a 1.3 million dollar whale who only has ever upvoted only @haejin's posts not in the least bit fishy.

A lot of users are too much of a pussy to downvote for fear of being counter attacked. I don't agree with this rape either even though it's to prove a point.

This platform needs to be protected by the large stake holders. I don't understand why all witnesses aren't steeping up to the plate or why @ned cannot implement something to put a stop to this.

There is not a single person in this world who's blog's would be worth $60,000 to $80,000 a week. I tried to help downvote @haejin as well as many other scams I've come across on this platform. 15,000 SP only does so much.

I was surprised by the results of the @haejin situation. I definitely can't believe how people are so blind to the issue. What can we do? As I said at the beginning "I Do Care"!

I didn't even downvote him, I just provided some data and I got 10 different people downvoting me and a major size witness vote lost as a result. People seem happy that one person can get a huge portion of the reward pool posting 10+ times a day.

Then his response was:

Ouch, that sucks! And yeah, people seem happy that one person can earn anything between $2000 and $4000 per day...

  • When most of the rewards comes from one user.

However, OP gets flagged for doing this... It's just weird.

The op is voting for $20-30/comment, it's easier for 1-2 people to flag that. When it is like $200-400 like Haejin, you need a lot of people to work together.

True! - But 1 or 2 would at least do something. Btw. I just voted for you. I should've done that days ago but I forgot about it.

I know some people have sacrificed significant stake, and are not likely the ones you would have expected.

Thanks :)

Make sure no one make money Judge boy!

It's very weird indeed. Maybe there's more to it then I know about. I don't know who the user @haejin is and I don't know who @rancerelaxo or whatever his name is is.

I don't know who all the users with low reps defending him are. All I do know is that real users regular active Steemians with good reps are somehow choosing to defend this.

Accusations of "witch hunts", "jealousy" and "not understanding EW and TA" are being thrown around. Ovibously these are just terrible debating tactics which have been used for all time. Avoiding the situation at hand and countering with a different topic.

The matter is simple to understand and simple to see. The problem is not the content i.e. The "TA or EW charts". The problem is not a user being attacked as a "witch hunt" or big fish being "bullies".

It's simple and it's very simple. A whale account was made and funded with a large amount of SP I believe 1.3 million. Is this a problem NO. It's actually a benefit to all users. The fact is however this whale has never voted for anyone on Steemit besides @haejin.

How can regular Steemit users defend this stating that @haejin shouldn't be penalized because a whale "found him" really?? I don't think found should be the word used. If people don't see this as peculiar then I'm afraid we're in for a bigger problem. If the main goal of the @rancherorelaxo whale is to only upvote @haejins posts and nobody else's but it's in bed with @haejin then their investment goal is actually only to receive curation rewards for only @haejin. I find this hard to believe.

If I was Columbo and had to figure out this mystery and make an educated guess or accusation. I would say in my opinion again only an opinion is that:

@haejin, @ranchorelaxo and those other 25-50 accounts at least are a group of people who have developed a "scam" yes I said it a "Fucking Scam" to create content through @haejin's account and upvote it continuously while at the same time invest their own money as well as the profits generated into the @ranchorelaxo account until it becomes a whale. Once it reaches whale status to then upvote each and every one of @haejins posts to rape the reward pool and start making huge profits for the select individuals in the investing group.

i hope in hf20 they will implement what if you vote on same person you will receive no curation rewards, at least 25% will go to pool

Also, decrease rewards each time a user is voting on the same person. This will surely solve a lot.

I think the that this is just giving us information that the whole weight voting scheme has flaws, maybe the whales have too much power

If you refer to libertyteeth as major sized, he isn't and you don't want that vote anyway

Often when you stand up for the right things you will get flagged. It happens to me when I defend promotion upvote services for minnows. If the whales can rape the system daily why flag a minnow who spend hours or days writing a post and has bought advertising promotion services to try to get some extra eyeballs on a high quality post. The people flagging minnows are bullies as they never flag those big whales. They are scared to death. Something needs to be done with the next hardfork.

I'm actually very aware that you didn't downvote any of @haejins posts and only provided the reports on the matter.

I'm not concerned about the shills which either @haejin created or somehow came from nowhere. I'm more concerned with more reputable users who somehow fail to see the problem, choose to ignore or somehow actually think this would help the platform.

Maybe once this place is fucked the hindsight will kick in. Although I would like to see action taken to prevent rather then wait it out and play the let's see what happens game.


LOL, another Haejin groupie going around flagging people and searching really deep for an insult.

well i followed this quite closely and got a bit of heat also for putting the finger in the wound. nobody wanted to understand that there is something going wrong, everybody was just singing and praying somehow as if this guy would be the archbishop of a strange cult ...

I dig your passion!

Welcome to you helped so much.

What's the @haejin situation I keep hearing about everywhere around here?

You clearly didn't read what I wrote but thank you for your opinion.

I think that @sweetsssj's posts are not worth the $700 + each that they receive however in her defense she's only posts once every 2 days not 10+ times per day.

What would you think if 16 or 17 groups of people mimicked the @haejin/@ranchorelaxo system. Say these groups all did an exact replica of the current situation and all received 6% of the pool each.

Would you still defend the 16-17 accounts receiving nearly the entire reward pool each week?

so this 3 sentence TA from haejin really is worth that ?
come on you should know better.

Steemit is still relatively young. Fluid, dynamic and aggravating - yes. I feel it will all sort itself out.

His posts are mainly pump and dump enabling plus post spam sometimes.

Lol what does that even mean?

Oh like the rapeseed plant? Lol

lol, this is pretty funny. What is it you would like ned to do?

It is a stake based system. I am just curious about your ideas on a solution. While I am here making a meaningful comment... I might as well reward myself as well.

I don't think we should stop and wait for ned to do anything. The culture of this platform needs to change. There's money grabbing deception via inorganic voting for instance. It's a broken system. I know we have interacted on the self voting and I have chosen to opt out of that practice. I think if others had a "bigger picture" mentality that they should do the same. We have allowed mechanisms onto this platform that serve to reward stake over value of content and it is painfully apparent with even a cursory glance of the trending page.

One of the Marine Corps leadership principles is to set the example. If one is not willing to forego rewards of self voting and perhaps even use their voting power to both incentivize non-self voters as well as the more controversial option of deincentivizing overvalued content of self voters (via flagging), that aspect of the platform will by no means change. It takes more than just a handful but most people are too comfortable or I'd like to say complacent and complacency kills.

Seems to me the flaws are inherent in the system. Money is power, survival of the fittest or cleverest, formation of tribes. It’s like an experiment in Anarchy. Not sure how it will end.

Am I missing the call to action. What are we doing about it?

Supporting non-self voting posts is one of the best thing a minnow like me can do. I've developed a rudimentary script to determine self vote status but it's not really for the layperson. It requires the steem piston python libraries. It will return true if self voted and false otherwise.

It would be nice if I can figure out how I can integrate something like this into a Steem front end that would filter but I haven't really gotten that far in my experience with python. It may be easier just to ctrl-f from steemd but sometimes the node is unavailable so I would use this alternatively.

import sys
import time
import datetime
from piston import Steem
steem= Steem()
def check_selfvote(identifier):
for vote in votes:
if author not in votearr:
return selfvote
identifier = input('Please, enter identifier of post to determine self vote status: ')

The likely hood of getting community consensus seems low to me. It also doesn't work because most Steemians have more than one account. :)

Agreed on the former. It is true that people can use alts to self vote which appears to be the case with pilgrimtraveler / explorertraveler / karengentry (I've inquired w no response). I digress. From my perspective, removing the self vote would hinder the problem albeit not fully remove it.

It may not be feasible to fully address. Scammers gonna scam.

Exactly, which is addressed in the Whitepaper along with the idea if people are abusing the system the community can flag the rewards.

We have come full circle. Nice discussion.

"While I am here making a meaningful comment... I might as well reward myself as well." :D :D :D

I have no problem with self-voting, and I have no problem with 'excessive' rewards on posts. At this stage, I think we need to focus on clear abuse, like content free spam and kickback collusion to get people to upvote spam and share the rewards. If the only point of the post is to harvest the rewards, I'm likely to downvote. If someone's getting $10,000 because a bunch of whales decided to upvote their thoughts on some issue I don't really care.

i replied to you on the other post, I think we could build something together, but then you need to talk to me! So please answer!

I've got the bug too.

I think it's called Steemitfever, it's starts with looking at the price of SBD on Coinmarketcap everyday. Then you start to hallucinate from all the cryptos you could be buying right now, so you start to upvote anything and everything including your own posts and comments.

That is what I am seeing and also I felt it. I felt it.

A fascinating experiment. Looking forward to seeing what happens here.

WTF IS THIS? About 2450 USD down the drain ...
This is a good example to scare off new People. Just let subscribe my son in here. One of the first things he reads is this post ...

he's calling attention to how the reward pool isn't always used well because people don't flag. it's ironic because one of the reasons people don't flag is because of revenge flagging in part by none other than the author of this post. He is lamenting against the very culture he has helped create.

At least he's exposing weaknesses in the system by demonstrating how one high-SP account can make Steemit worse for others.

But yeah, it does seem idiotic to create something and then complain about it. Maybe it's just high-level trolling and attention seeking.

The paradox/irony is how much Bernie does support useful things like cheetahbot. I really want to believe he genuinely cares about this platform even when his words and actions demonstrate otherwise.

Cheetah is another way to centralize authority and make people feel like keeping the site "clean" isn't their job. If everyone used their flags it wouldn't be so scary, but instead, they can upvote cheetah and think they are done.

Many people have earned a lot of money playing the clean up game. Maybe they should use that stake to help with abuse. Who knows.

By the way, I think cheetah is a classy organization with good people, but the concept that someone else will keep the site clean is part of the reason we came this far with very little flagging.

That's a good point, and I agree on some level. If people don't take individual, personal responsibility to protect what they value, then it creates more centralization and single points of failure.

I also think human involvement isn't always required. I love cheetahbot because it does things better than humans can. It's just the first step. The next step is steamcleaners and individuals using their downvotes as needed, using cheetahbot as a way to find things which need their attention. We don't all have to run our own cheetahbot software. That would be inefficient and the comments would start to look like spam and be worse than the problem. Economies of scale are a real thing we should appreciate as we seek decentralization.

I agree though, we each have to take personal responsibility if we have an expectation for some particular outcome.

The funny thing is, this whole post is now hidden by default which hides the scammy comments even further. Many of them are still paying out. The problem being highlighted here is how easy it is for people to abuse the system and how difficult it is to get enough people to care.

Ironic, isn't it?

People don't flag because they're pussies. It's not my fault they can't buy more Steem and power up...

Like I said, it's a fascinating experiment. Your performance art performance on Steem is always entertaining. Maybe not always good for the platform, but it is entertaining. That said, at other times your vigilante flagging is amazing for this place. We're all just people doing some combination of the best for ourselves and this platform.

Well said. :)

"We're all just people doing some combination of the best for ourselves..."

Wow, I just sent you a message about exactly that!

Doing good for ourselves isn't a bad thing. Doing good for ourselves at the expense of everyone else is.

I said that exact thing very respectfully on the screaming Bernie post and got seriously downvoted. I actually decided to stay waaaayy out of all of this drama but wanted you to know that other people see that, they just end up scared to say anything because “minnow”. I hope it gets worked out before this just becomes a negative place to be. (Please don’t downvote me for sharing a feeling)

What is this post meaning?


But, but, you're a terrible Steemian for rewarding yourself!

I'm rewarding myself because that's what we do here on Steemit!

But, but, you're a terrible Steemian for rewarding yourself!

I'm rewarding myself because that's what we do here on Steemit!

But, but, you're a terrible Steemian for rewarding yourself!

"Nobody" is factually untrue. Should more people care (specifically whales with huge investments here)? YES.

I've used up a bunch of my voting strength here (and elsewhere as I see it) to do what is expected: flag posts when there is a disagreement over rewards, and I think the poster isn't thinking in terms of the value of the network but just in terms of their own shortsighted gains. I don't do it because I don't like someone personally or don't agree with their views or approach (unless that approach is purposefully using language intended to cause pyschological harm). I'm not involved in vendettas.

The funny thing is, I actually like the visibility this post and its useless, factually untrue comments will bring to the problem of scammy abuse through self-voting content which is not valuable to the network. In that regard, it serves a purpose and may even be worth some valid rewards.

What frustrates me most with the whole "rewardspoolrape" discussion is how authors are often blamed for the voting habits of others. Unless self voting is going on or a connection between the poster and the voter can be proven, authors shouldn't be held responsible for the voluntary actions of other voters. If authors who bring content others value get called out because of votes they get, how is that their fault and what's the expected reaction? Should they stop creating valued content? That's paradoxical. If someone values this network, the last thing they should do (IMO) is motivate people to stop creating valued content.

I've tried to have discussions with @berniesanders about this type of stuff, but he blocked me in rocket chat and is unwilling to have a face-to-face video chat or even voice call. I really do like how much he cares (or claims to care) about the rewards pool, I just don't understand the approach he takes asking for @ned to somehow magically solve the problems around here or by calling out an author instead of the voters he actually disagrees with.

For what it's worth, thanks for shedding light on a problem in your unique way. If it gets you the results you want, fantastic. If not, I hope we can all work together to discuss more effective, productive approaches.

@lukestokes most of the time I would agree with you about go after the voter not the person receiving the vote. In the situation with @haejin it became pretty clear the moment he started getting the huge upvotes he upped his rate of posting.

He can't control (if the whale account isn't his) when a whale gives him a large upvote anymore than he can control when one gives him a large downvote(s).

He can control how much advantage he takes of those votes. For that he needs to answer for his actions. If he doesn't want to reduce how much advantage is being taken, then other whales really should be stepping up unless they agree with what he's doing.

I agree with you! I've posted more than once about how sometimes it makes sense for authors to do decline payout posts if they think they have been taking more of the rewards pool than is justified.

I think your argument goes both ways: if whales blindly upvote someone even when they increase their posting rate, that's still a failure of the upvoter. They should either stop upvoting or adjust the weight of their vote accordingly.

The cryptocurrency markets experienced some intense volatility recently and some may have benefitted from @haejin's increased frequency of posting. I could argue that one in either direction so I didn't get involved. I won't defend him or vilify him just yet. If he wanted to show good faith with the community, he could get the same visibility he wants with decline payout posts. My hunch is, the whales wouldn't vote for him as they'd get no curation rewards on a decline payout.

So again, the whale vote is the problem.

Oh Luke, there is so much more coming, people will get it by the time I'm done. The fact that you truly believe I'm wasting money and voting power on this pointless drivel for "shortsighted gains" shows just how truly ignorant you are.

What confuses me so much about you is how much you misunderstand and twist what I say.

Did you not read "it serves a purpose and may even be worth some valid rewards"?

I called your comments "useless" because that was your exact intention, from my perspective: to demonstrate how useless, repetitive comments are selfvoted by scammers to drain the rewards pool. I clearly said what you are doing here as an experiment has value.

You and I want the same thing: for people to value and improve this network. The "shortsighted gains" I was referring to is the same abuse you are trying to stop.

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

lmao to true so i upvoted you .....

Me too!!! Except my vote is nearly worthless.... lol

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I don't want to but I have to do something.. please be merciful.


But, but, you're a terrible Steemian for rewarding yourself!

I'm rewarding myself because that's what we do here on Steemit!

But, but, you're a terrible Steemian for rewarding yourself!

I'm rewarding myself because that's what we do here on Steemit!

But, but, you're a terrible Steemian for rewarding yourself!

We can expect that those who beg for upvotes will start say "rape me" instead of "upvote me"

So what's your point ? (-:

There is definitely an issue here, but I'm not sure what the answer is. I think it's pretty remarkable that so many of the whales in this community have really been great advocates for the platform and have acted in its best interest. The problem is, there was surely going to be some people that got in when the price was high and ransacked the place. Self upvoting in general is iffy, but that would just keep honest people honest, since there are pretty simple ways to do it anyways.

I'm not sure how this would/could be addressed but it does seem like the least Ned could do is make some sort of statement about what he thinks about the issue. Even an argument in favor of things staying the same would be better than silence I think.

This is one for the Steem community to work out rather than listen to just one guy, who has probably stayed out of the conversation for a reason.

I am rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares.

I am rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares.

I am rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares.

I am rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares.

Hmm Great power !
would you share ?

I'm rewarding myself..

Hello, I did reward raping myself, if you look at my posts, I had a change of minds and I want I would have some ideas I would like to present you, maybe you can just come to my discord channel and we could discuss this issue there. Lets do something together and try to keep steemit a legit place? I am just asking for a little talk!

Well I guess the account name is relevant!

How did you get so much voting power?

seriously, I have no idea what's going on

Really, what outrage and sadness see this kind of thing, not because of your post, the truth I have understood the implicit message that this has, I am saying for the amount of pointless and pointless post that earn over $ 50 just because yes.

Also what generates these feelings in my is to know that even doing my content in English, these does not earn more than 0.04 knowing that my content in Spanish at least reaches $10 +, and i am not talking about bad content, the truth from my humble opinion and that of many people, my content is of quality and unique, since what I try to do, had not been seen in steemit or at least I do not saw it.

I know they will not read me, but I want to show my dissatisfaction, how sad it is that garbage earns more than real talent.

De verdad que indignación y tristeza ver este tipo de cosas, no por lo de tu post, la verdad he entendido el mensaje implicito que este tiene, lo digo por al cantidad de post inutiles y sin sentido que ganan arriba de 50$ solo por que sí.
También lo que me genera estos sentimientos es saber que incluso haciendo mi contenido en ingles, este no gana más de 0.04 sabiendo que mi contenido en español por lo menos llega a 5$+, no estamos hablando de cualquier contenido, la verdad desde mi humilde opinión y de la de muchas personas, mi contenido es de calidad y único, ya que lo que trato de hacer, no se había visto en steemit o por lo menos yo no lo conozco.
Igual se que no me van a leer, pero deseo mostrar mi inconformidad, que triste que la basura gane más que el talento real.

“I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!”

Bet my reward will remain $0.00

@rewardpoolrape the issues of reward rape must be solved so that it will not cost steemit damages. I think it is time @ned and others should come together to find lasting solution to this. Lot is good Steemians are taking their time to write quality post but got few cents out of it.

yeh because as a new member no one look at your only myself who can read my post so there is no option for new users.

Yes this is also my Point...

I’m rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I’m rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I’m rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I’m rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!! What larks Pip, what larks.

I’m rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I am Waiting for solution about point mention by @rewardpoolrape.

Is this is acceptable for everyone to buy some SteemPower and upvote yourself like this post???

Merry Christmas. Lol. Congrats, you give yourself a reward.


Congratulations @rewardpoolrape! You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

<p dir="auto"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> You published your First Post<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> You made your First Vote<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> You made your First Comment<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> You got a First Vote<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> You got a First Reply<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> Award for the number of upvotes<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> Award for the number of comments<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> Award for the number of upvotes received<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> Award for the number of comments received<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> Your post was the most commented on one day <p dir="auto">Click on any badge to view your own Board of Honor on SteemitBoard.<br /> For more information about SteemitBoard, click <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">here <p dir="auto">If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word <code>STOP <blockquote> <p dir="auto">By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. Learn how <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">here!

Waiting for you

I care, because I'm a minnow who tries to post high-quality, meaningful content. However, nobody cares does a minnow care.

Hi @doodlebear,

I don't even know how to check that, but thanks for informing me that I'm doing well, it's nice to know! : )

I can't get off the platform since I love to share my thoughts and get meaningful responses to them, maybe that's why I'm averaging 5 SMT (SoMeThing) per day. Once again, I'm thrilled to know that the right approach is working after all. : )

Still, whether I am or I am not doing well for my time here, it's always unpleasant to know that there are easy possibilities for cheating (or maybe not cheating but abusing the system) once you have a lot of power.

Anyways, I suppose that @rewardpoolrape's intention with this post is to increase awareness about this, and awareness could eventually initiate some changes.

Could you please let me know how to check average SBD per day?


Wow, thanks a lot for the advice, much appreciated!

So what's your point ? (-:

Why you are rewarding yourself help someone too

Wow!! This is a lot of reward you have given yourself @rewardpoolrape. 😁😁

we all should learn "great power comes with great responsibility"

You are doing wrong bro.

Give me the reward to @rewardpoolrape I can't wait to get that asap.... Been long I made that type of cent

:(( Every time I make a post, I give for me one Upvote , and this all what I do.
All others Upvotes ... I give away ... I not know is it bad or good... but I know what you feel. if you must make this.
But... I know that greed does not end very well over a long period of time.

And I hope your day is ok. Merry Christmas.

Most epic thing i have read this 2017. :)

Point taken. I'm going to resteem this but I'm not upvoting it lol

I see your point. It makes me sad. Can I go back to my itty bitty curation earning and continue to repress this now? :(

Haha, wow... Well, I actually can't say that I blame you. You've tried to prevent and counter this...

  • And that clearly doesn't work.

As people obviously defend this type of behaviour, I look forward to see how many flags you'll get. My guess is 3.

  • 2 of them will be from your own accounts. ;)

Yeah, kids. Let's do that thing just because everybody else is doing it! That's what this platform has become.

Meanwhile, authors with integrity and confidence inn their work not to self vote or use elevety billion bid bots fade into relative obscurity. Smh.

I have made it a point to screen most posts for self-voting before upvoting. Maybe if more did that the trending page would like a little different. Just sayin'

Yes, I do hope he comes to join us here!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

Except you're doing it with delegated SP. And a lot more of it..

I'm rewarding myself, just like the scammers do since nobody cares!!

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