Statist Puppet Wants To Defeat 'Sinister Ideologies' While You Focus On The Guns

in #repost3 years ago

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Trump condemns white supremacy, vague on gun measures after US shootings

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'Condemns' is Statist double-speak. Disliking and hence caging anyone who disagrees or disliking and attempting to persuade others to agree with your perspective? Unless you personally have control over a policing and imprisonment system, when you or I condemn everyone can safely ignore what's said. When a Statist in power condemns it could mean mass arrests and caging or not, depending on the political climate. There is a substantial difference between the two 'condemns'. Why, then, fall into the trap of adopting the language of Statist double speak?

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Despite all the endless appeals to 'equality', everyone thinks they're superior in one way or another. Intellectually, morally, practically, physically, ethically ... etc. the list is endless. Not all at once, but along certain dimensions. In proportion it's normal, I would argue that it's healthy. Like many other normal and natural aspects of the human condition, we are coerced into feeling guilt, when we manifest such 'superiority' in a way that could lead to a lessening of control over us. When it's out of proportion it's unhealthy. Which is not a problem until you add the power that Statism bestows upon the deluded maniac with extreme views about 'superiority' (starting with his own and somehow trickling down by association to the rest of the 'Nation'):

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etc. (insert almost any Statist you care to think of).

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What is a 'supremacist'? One definition may be someone who believes they know what is best for you in relation to the rest of the World (including killing you)

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'White' encompasses a large group that may well include intelligent and articulate people who understand the dangers of excessive Statism, even if they don't agree with the need to abolish it altogether.

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So what Trump is actually saying is that, in principle, the State can cage anyone who has a 'sinister ideology' (the Right to shoot policemen may be included by many in that definition). It is the ideology that ultimately pulls the trigger. That is the issue. But it's only a problem when people believe that their ideology is superior to everyone else's and they have the power to impose their ideology on others. This is why the State wants/needs to disarm people wherever they are. The Statist knows, deep down, that the basis for his existence as Statist is the imposition of his 'superior' views via the initiation of aggressive physical violence, because there is no ideology that otherwise justifies it.

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As a good puppet Trump knows he needs to go after the ideology of freedom first before the reality of physical power in the hands of ordinary people can be neutralized. Whether he takes the politically sensitive step of enacting his views into the mass disarming and caging process remains to be seen ... whether he, and his fellow Statists across the entire political spectrum, will ever stop trying cannot be in doubt.

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