Statist Extends The Farce

in #repost3 years ago

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Boris Johnson writes letter to EU accepting Brexit extension

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Statists centralize and consolidate your power into their own hands. They 'persuade' you to do this by offering a false dichotomy (choice): "take part in the voting process (no matter how unrepresentative the 'choices') or we assume power over you regardless". The problem is that ordinary people are not fully conscious of the scam and lack the confidence to withdraw their consent to it (in many cases actively supporting it via working within one of the multifarious branches of the State).

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(Don't ask where the 'compensation' comes from)

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The MPs of the British Parliament all subscribe to this process. Giving away power by allowing it to draw closer to 'ordinary' people is anathema to them. Brexit is not popular within the Parliament. Where has the authority for these laws extending the political and economic connections to the EU come from? When you understand that all these men and women jumping up and down and shouting are simply that (but not chimps as some might imply ), you realize it's time to start assuming responsibility for your own power and the good judgment that goes with it.

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It's time to start ignoring those dimensions of the EU monolith that epitomize it's stranglehold on freedom.

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Even a die-hard Statist will admit it when it comes up against his own maneuverings. Environment Secretary Michael Gove:

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"Every single day, every single minister is told: 'Yes Minister, I understand, but I'm afraid that's against EU rules.' I know it. My colleagues in government know it. And the British people ought to know it too: Your government is not, ultimately, in control in hundreds of areas that matter."

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(As with Mr. Johnson, please don't confuse short term populism with long term Statism. Your friend in freedom today will soon become something rather different when the context changes (in this instance, supporting a generous historical interpretation of Statist slaughter).

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Don't wait for the power grabbing windbags in Parliament to hand that power back to you. Show them that they are impotent when the scam has been unveiled. If these endless extensions don't make it clear then nothing will. Don't imagine that a product of that system, Boris Johnson, is going to save you the trouble. He's there to make a song and dance and rant about how his 'hands are tied' in an attempt, once again, to make you believe that there is someone 'up there' looking out for your interests. He couldn't even if he genuinely wanted to (something that we cannot really know, despite all the posturing).

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Something 'good' can come out of Brexit. It can be a cause for celebration if it serves to reveal the true nature of Government, power and the State, which, to a degree, it has already. The mainstream media will attempt to use the occasion to try to persuade people to come to the conclusion (on their own of course, once they've been exposed to all the (selectively emphasized) facts) that they are 'powerless' in the face of the 'Brexit crisis'. They too should be ignored and seen for the manipulative propaganda machine that they are.

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Time to let the whole thing go ... Choose and pay for your own private trade, arbitration, personal security and insurance. We don't need any of them for these things (or any thing) and live a peaceful, State free existence.

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