Interfaith Religion In Indonesia

in #religion7 years ago

Bhineka Tunggal Ika In Indonesia

Religion is an important institution to bring human existence, religion itself in many theories are often translated which means Binding.

Emanuel Kant is one of them, he argues: Religion is a sense of obligation to carry out the commands of God. But Religion is also not limited to the nature of feeling alone, here adherents are required to grant or also called Amaliah.

While Emile Burnaof: Revealed, Religion is the intellect of the human mind and recognizes the existence of a supreme power and God's heart begs Grace from the supreme power.

While your rote about religion is different from belief, it is based on Colhouen, Light and Keller's thoughts.

Religious beliefs are based on the vibrations of the Soul, (religious emotions) forming the opinion of believers to believe or embrace a religion or belief. In this case people believe in supernatural things, be it God, God, Subtle Creatures and the Power of the Sacred.

Suppose Muslims believe in God Almighty and his angels, so do Christians Believe in the Lord Jesus, the Father of Heaven, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit.

Religious symbol

Symbols - Symbols or Symbols - religious symbols show Identity suatau religion, and this is commonly materialized in places of worship. There are also Clothing, Objects showing certain religious identity, and so forth.

It is interesting to be discussed because of the beliefs embraced by the Indonesian Society, both Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Catholicism, Hinduism and Confucianism.

1. The Gujarati theory was pioneered by Historical Expert Snouck Hurgronje, himself believing Islam to Indonesia was brought by Gujarat Traders in the 13th century AD.

2. The Persian Theory : The spread of Islam in Indonesia brought by Persian Traders (Iran) this theory is seen from the similarity Culture between Iran and Indonesia, and in Pelopori P.A Husein Hidayat.

3. The theory of Mecca : This theory is based on a news from China, stated that in the 7th century BC there is already a Muslim Village on the West Coast of Sumatra, or Aceh Province. And Islam into Indonesia directly brought the merchants of Mecca.

Understanding Islam

The Islamic origin of Islam is "surrender to god" and Islam is the religion that leads to only one god is ALLAH the Almighty. And has a quarter of a billion followers around the world. And the greatest religion after Christianity.

Islam also has the meaning of surrender, surrendering entirely to their God the Muslims call it "GOD" for the followers of this religion are called Muslims (a person who is subject to god) and the title is often heard to mention an Islamic man with Muslim and Muslimat for women .

And Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad as the Last Prophet who ALLAH descended the earth. As Allah's Apostle the Muslims also teach that ALLAH decreases his Word to Man through Muhammad SAW.


Christianity is one of the religions of Abrahamic religion based on life, doctrine, crucifixion, death of resurrection, and ascension of Jesus from Nazareth to heaven described in the New Testament: Jesus is the Messiah in Prophecy in the Old Testament (Jewish Scriptures).

In his Teachings, Christians believe Jesus is God, and Savior and deliver the teachings of Jesus Christ. And Teach Fear of God and believe in God and the Holy Spirit.

In the Christian doctrine there are also 10 Commandments of GOD, and in it there is also a command to honor your father and mother. In other words Bakti to parents is the source of Virtue.


Khatolik comes from Greek (Khatolikos) meaning "Universal" Christian Esklesiology Context. Catholics have several meanings, some argue that the Church in the Communion is full of the bishop of Rome. His teachings stressed to his followers all over the world to believe in Jesus Christ. Regardless of "Denomination".

The Catholic religion is believed to be one of the four Church traits, the other three being one, Holy and Apostolic, in accordance with the Nicaea Creed of 381. "I Believe in one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic church.

In Catholic teaching there are 10 Commandments of GOD and in it there is a command to honor the name of your mother and your father. And Revelation 8 Verse 4 "Then the smoke of the Ministry of Moab together with the prayer of the saints from the angel's hand was before GOD.


Buddhism or Buddhism is a Nonteistic or philosophical religion (Sanskrit: Dharma, Pali: Dharma) originating from the Indian subcontinent covering various traditions, beliefs and Spiritual Practices largely based on the teachings associated with Siddhartha Gautama, generally also known to the Buddha conscious).

In the adherence of its adherents to entrust to the Gods, when praying uses the form of Hio (objects burned). Using the Offering, the view of virtue in seeking the truth, in Self-Activated Activities. As well as Spiritual development seek ketengan hati and find the meaning of life which is actually called Meditation.


Called Hinduism, the dominant religion in Seleatan Asia such as India and Nepal, contains a variety of traditions. Covering various Streams such as Saiwa, Waisnawa, and Sakta- Serta or a vast expanse of the laws and rules of "Daily morality based on Karma, Darma, and Community Norms This religion tends to be like the set of philosophical or Itelectual views rather than a standard set and uniform.


Most of the adherents are Tiong Hua residents, while the Practice of his mother through honoring the Patriarchs is practiced Intensively again. And it is believed that practice is a must to do, and not as a form of past traditions. But more to the appreciation and practice of faith.

And its adherents are obliged to obey the strict teachings in prayer for the ancestors, and the prayers of the vessels are not original deeds nor are they meaningless.

In Indonesia there are diverse nations and all religions here believe in the One Supreme Godhead, in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs. And that's part of the most basic human rights. Cultivate one another, acknowledge and respect the religion it embraces.

The existence of religious harmony and has a high tolerance for sesam citizens, this attitude has existed long ago and written in the book Sutasoma by Mpu Tantular.

In the book is said Bhineka Tuggal Ika Tan Hanana Dharma Mangra (Although different one because there is a different purpose of religion)[]


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