thats interesting. great and thanks for your feedback :-D can i ask you why the humans heart (i mean the heart, not the mind or actions...the heart!!!) isnt pure?
in yoga for example humans have the sushumna with 7 central chakras, 3 granthis are blockade the free flow. the pure flow of love is the heart. if the connection is blocked, humans are not able to use the heart (still the heart ist the heart and its the loving point), if the connection is cool, everything is possible.
i see more the problem in the humans ego-mind.
the human is thinking he or she is loving but they never give or get real love.
i met only 1 or 2 with an open heart in 36 years....
my grandfather was a churchman, i read almost a lot of old religions.... lets philosoph about the heart and love. i love this subject... ;-) hugs