Join the Tau community quiz (November 2023)

in #quizlast year


Last month, Tau community member Tauist Andrew started Tau's community quiz in which you can learn about the technology and earn rewards if you're one of the quiz's top scorers. So here's the second month of the quiz - you're welcome to join via this Google form here:

Once you've gone through the first page, check out the following video links displayed on the form to learn more about the topic that you'll be quizzed on.


Head on to the next button to begin answering questions, you have about 2 weeks from today to answer all 15 questions.


Try to watch the videos again and browse through if you're unclear about any of the questions and answers.


Tau is at the cutting edge of AI-technology, so you're gonna be ahead of the 99.9% just studying and trying to understand the technology at hand. As far as I know, the top scorers of this quiz will be rewarded $50-$150 worth of $AGRS and a Tau t-shirt. That's pretty sweet considering that $AGRS has the chance to revisit the top 50 again someday especially if and when the tech is ready to be played around with and be appreciated.. so try not to slack off on it!

Here's one question I'd like to ask myself, what's the one major difference between's $AGRS compared to other cryptos? Study link: Leave your answers in the comment section and I'll upvote and even send a couple $HBDs for great answers.

And that's it. Don't forget to join this month's quiz! Links below.

Learn more:

Join our Telegram community: Join the Tau quiz form:


Hi Kev, As for the last question, Tauchain Agoras is a currency and knowledge exchange and creation platform, unlike other cryptos. Agoras uses Tau, a decentralised network that lets users write and run code in natural language. Tau-verified smart contracts let Agoras users trade knowledge, computer resources, and financial instruments. Agoras also wants self-amendment, hivemind, and computational resource and derivative markets. Agoras is a knowledge economy vision, not just a currency. That's the main difference to me.


Wow! This is an interesting that by playing quizzes one can earn while enjoying the game. Along with this knowledge will increase.

Coupe with the knowledge one will gain, the fact that one will be playing the game is also interesting

Haven't seen your post for a long time