Was Steempublishing not approved? An update how to go further.

in #publisher8 years ago (edited)


In a previous post I made a proposal how to create a platform for publishing books made out of Steemit articles. I expressly stated that I would consider an upvote by a whale as a non-written approval of that proposal by the owners of Steemit. Such a vote did not come, despite 117 votes in total (so the community liked the idea) and a call from Screenname. 

What does this mean? Did the owners of Steemit disapprove with all of my ideas or only part of it? The peculiar thing is that my seminal post with the idea was upvoted by dantheman himself. The more detailed proposal mentioned above was not upvoted by any whale.

Some people reacted by stating that I should be careful not to use the tradename Steemit in the name, so I changed it to Steempublishing. Apparently that didn't do the trick either.

So what shall I do? Shall I abandon the idea and hope someone more persuasive will pick it up, or shall I continue with this idea and give it a different name, for instance in Dutch, something like "Uitgeverij Stoomboot" with a wink to the Dutch tradition of Saint Nicholas who arrives every year in his steamboat in the Netherlands and Belgium to give presents to the children.

Tell me what you think of it, every idea is welcome. And indicate if you wish me to abandon or continue this project.

If you like it please upvote or resteem. Thank you for your support.


No such thing as approval (unless using Steemit as part of the name, and also unless you mean reception instead of approval). Its all voluntary. You just have to build it yourself, or have people interested enough to spend time on it. A prototype / mockup would do better. But in the end iit comes down to this - would you spend time contributing this with no guarantees of immediate community reception? If not, then best to move on. Or try to get in touch with some devs who might be interested.

Thanks for yr advice. Can I use the name SteemPublishing? If so I will set it up.

@steemtrail might be able to help. We discussed this a bit the other day. There are others who are interested in aspects of publication. You might find some collaborators in the SteemTrail Discord server.

Hi Joe, good to hear from you again. Do you have a link to this SteemTrail discord server?