What car is this?

in #pt3 years ago (edited)

What car is this?

Does anyone know what car is this? 🤔

I work surrounded by good cars and I have the privilege of being able to drive them.
I've already made many people's dreams come true and it's so beautiful to see! 😍
Do you have a dream car? Or are your dreams different?


I only know that's a BMW. No idea what model.

Bmw 320D 2020 😉

I think I'll stick to a second hand Fiat 500. 🤣

It a BMW. They are excellent engineered cars, but push the limits so much that they become too complicated and expensive to maintain. That is why some people say that BMW means Break My Wallet.

You are right but you don't need to go to the brand's mechanic, you can save a lot more if you go to another certified car repair shop and there's many times of bmw. This one is bmw 320D year 2020 😉