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RE: Is Mental Illness Really Fueling Mass Shootings?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

anyone having a lethal weapon such as a gun. Blindly following orders would not be lethal if they did not have a gun.Thanks @krnel for a constructive response. To answer your first question; I do not support

Now that you bring up the subject of morality... Do you think each individual holds enough knowledge or information of what is morally right in the short moments it takes to decide whether to pull the trigger or not? Are civilians better equipped for this and why? And doesn't owning a lethal weapon put you in a place where you have to place a value on a human life everytime you feel you must use it? Is that life worth less than your possessions, or your cattle? Is it worth less than your right to owning property? How about 17 children's lives are they worth less than your right to own a gun? These are important questions to ponder. It is basically a debate between individualism and what is good for society as a whole.

In answer to your second question, no, I do not support globalisation but I do not believe that it is 'centralised' governments that are concentrated power. Can you tell me which government is indeed in charge of this world government? From where I stand it is global corporations and large financial institutions that are doing that and their weapon is money. Not guns. More people follow their dictate through believing that doing what the corporations tell them to do is an advantage to them and that is because of advertising and the corruption of morally guided cultural values. Only in extreme cases (like the central African mines) do they use actual weapons to achieve their aim. The rest of the time their means are a lot more underhanded than pointing a gun at your head and forcing you to sign a mortgage contract.

Sorry but I really struggle to grasp this concept that one day we will all be marshalled into cells by people holding guns and that is why we must own them. The way the people in power benefit is by making people believe they are on their side, not by pointing a gun at them. At least in Europe rebellion is quashed by your peers because of the misconceptions that are spread in MSM and by politicians make people turn against each other, ostracising and alienating people within their communities are much more effective approaches than outright violence...