Core development proposal year 4

in #proposallast year (edited)


Hello everyone!

I have had the pleasure of working on Hive for three incredible years, and I am grateful for the support you have all given me. And I would like to carry on working as a core developer and contributing to Hive for a fourth year.

Who am I


I have been on this chain for more than 6 years now.
I went from regular blogging, to contributing to open source on hive to building dapps and running a top 20 witness (@steempress). I became much more involved in core development when we forked away from steem, rising up to the occasion as we needed every manpower we could get to birth the chain. I contributed to the soft fork that locked justin sun's funds and later the very first hard fork that created hive. Ever since, I've been working on hive as a core developer contributing to hive and hivemind implementing sensible requests from the community.

If you're interested in my full journey I made a throwback post retracing most of my activities on steem then hive here:

Notable examples of my work

If "core development" does not ring a bell to you here's two features that I shipped to give you an idea:

Recurrent transfers

Before if you wanted to subscribe to a service on hive you had to either pay upfront for a long period of time (eg: a year), send a transfer every month or worse: trust their active key with the service (NEVER DO THIS), which was a pretty terrible UX for want to build businesses on top of hive and benefit from one of our main selling points: fast feeless transactions. Now with recurrent transfers users can simply set a recurrent payment, and every time it hits their desired frequency, the money is sent from their account. It's a much simpler UX similar to one you're see on web2 payment solutions like paypal

RC delegations

If you've joined hive in the past two years you probably heard a decent bit about this one. RC stands for resource credits, whenever you do a "free" transaction you spend RC, but unlike other chains like ethereum, it's free and recharges over time. The more Hive power you own, the more total RC you have to spend. And for the longest time Dapp developers had a bit issue when onboarding:

Either you make users pay for their hive power when you onboard them, which is going to drastically hinder your growth, or you have to delegate hive power to them, which means people will try to abuse it by registering hundreds of accounts to get free hp and self vote. We've seen this play out times and times again and the solution that most dapp developers has been to police and check every new subscribers. Which obviously is a lot of wasted time and money that should instead be spent on buidling.

Rc delegations allow you to delegate RC but not hive power. allowing users to execute transactions and try out dapps, but without any monetary power. It also can be executed with a posting key as opposed to an active key for hp delegations, so should this be executed by a bot, you no longer need to expose your active key to an online environment (eg: a server)

Other things

Obviously big features isn't the only thing I do. I also work on smaller things, low hanging fruits, here's some examples:

On top of regular core development, I host a monthly meeting where all the core hive devs sync on things and write recaps that you can find on my blog, eg:

Finally, when I get the chance I help developers or write documentation eg: HAF-powered Hivemind dev environment setup guide


Despite rising inflation, I fel comfortable with the current pay and thus won't increase.

Therefore the proposal the same: 330 hbd a day for a year.


Here is an easy link to vote on the proposal :

You can view all the proposals on: (make sure to vote on the upcoming one and not the old one though !)

Closing words

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments !



Hi @howo, there is a problem with the link DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN, and I can't find the domain name when I do a whois search

Woops seems like the website no longer exists, I have removed the link, thanks !

Thank you for all the hard work you do as a Hive witness. I supported Proposal 261 @howo ✔💯

 last year (edited) 

Thanks a lot !

You're welcome!


View or trade LOH tokens.

<center><br /> <p dir="auto"><span><a href="/@ninahaskin">@ninahaskin, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with <a href="/@howo">@howo and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (2/7 calls) <p dir="auto">Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">this post. <div>

Will be supporting this proposal. Thanks for the work you do on Hive, @howo. Keep it up.

Thanks !

Welcome! 😎

Hi @howo. As always, supporting good initiatives. Thank you for letting me know about the renewal, it is a pleasure for me to enrich the platform. Blessings and best wishes.

Great to hear from a software developer on hive. Never would have found you if I hadn't received a random 0.001HP from you 😀. I know it's random and unrelated (Sorry) but have a quick question. If starting from nothing what is the best coding language(s) to learn to develop dApps and support Hive?

No worries !

Javascript hands down, it has the most library supports. Check out the devportal

Awesome. I'll check that out. 😊

I supported your proposal :) Thanks so much for everything you do! The RC delegation option is awesome 🙌

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Ready brother, from Cumaná state Sucre Venezuela. Supported proposal

Appreciate all you do. I'll attempt to find your proposal using Ecency app.

Hi @howo - thanks for all your hard work ! It's easy to just use Hive and not think about all the underlying stuff that has to be created to make everything hang together and work. I've voted for Proposal 261 😀

Thank you for your support :)

Supported. Thanks for all you do for hive!

Hello, I tried to vote for proposal 261 but the page is not opening.

Try again later or using perhaps ?

I supported. 🤗. Thanks for the work you do on Hive,

Done! And all strength to your work!

Thank you :)

This is a very great job you are doing here. Weldon. I try to read through and make my vote. where I read this, quoted: "september 2019: hard fork 21 got released and with it the steem proposal system (now DHF), which ment devs could get funded for the first time, I release my first proposal to fund an anti-curation tool to auto downvote and kill bidbots and farmers."Hi @howo I read your proposal, and also read your post

<p dir="auto">This piqued my interest as I've been around on steem/hive almost as long as you, and I and many others spoke out against bidbots, some of these people were driven away from steem in 2018 due to harassment and general relentless arguing from many of the people who did a full 360 when 'the community' decided to ban bidbots I think whatsup called it 'new steem'. <p dir="auto">Anyway, I'm very careful how I vote witnesses, and proposals, simply to avoid supporting any ex-bidbot owners still hanging around on hive. I believe that it was bidbots that destroyed Steem's chance to go mainstream as any serious writers looking at steem at that time would see so much crap content with seemingly $100's or even $thousand+ dollars payouts. <p dir="auto">Looking at your posts, and proposal, I can see you also fought 'the good fight' against vote selling. You have my full support, I've just voted for your proposal and the steempress witness as well. <p dir="auto">I was actually at SF 3 in Krakow and met Fredrikaa a few times but I can't remember if we met. <p dir="auto">All the best, and good luck with getting the proposal funded 🙂👍

Hello, I have received your proposal and with great pleasure I went and voted for you as a sign of my support, I would also like you to help me to give more campaign to this charity that I am sharing with the hive communities, go to the publication and see what it is about.



I get a lot of information from your posts and I am grateful.hello @howo,

I am preparing to develop an SNS for seaman on the Hive blockchain and I thought it would be helpful to get funds from DHF. so I've read the FAQ on the proposals page, but there is somethings I don't understand.
While searching for information on how to propose, I thought it would be better to ask people who have executed it previous.
So I ask you. Do I need to set a voting period when creating a proposal? And how do I know if my proposal is accepted?

Thanks in advance.

You don't need to set a voting period, but it's best if you plan some padding (aka posting the proposal in the future from when you posted it. For instance this proposal is in a week). You know on when it's above the threshold

I got it. Thank you for your kindness.

Excellent work, congratulations, voted proposal.


Good luck. Truth be told a lot of these proposals are a bit over my head, but I loved the initiative you took in reaching out so you already have my vote.

I really can't wait to see where the platform goes in the future and understanding more and more about this ecosystem.

Greetings ready my support for your proposal

You have my support bro!! Thank you for the work you do within the blockchain. In the same sense, I invite you to support the content that I share with everyone, either by voting or delegating to me. A hug and much success!!

Done - good luck!

Despite the time I have had with Hive there is a lot I don't know and I also don't know the people who work to make the platform work well. Of course I am willing to make my small contribution to someone who makes the smooth running of Hive possible. Thanks for letting me know from my wallet 🙏

Hi, I'm here to thank you for your support in my post. I find this post very useful to continue growing on the platform and learn more about it, how good it has been to find you. Greetings!

You are doing an amazing job..
You've got my support 🙏🙌

I have received 0.001 HBD from you. If it wasn't for that, I don't hear about your proposal. Congratulations for the good work.

Proposal voted. Regards.

You have my support and thanks for the work you have done over the years ☕👍🏼

respected @howo thank you so much for all great hard work , best wishes and I supported Proposal

I just voted for your proposal (using the Hive hamburger menu link, as I don't use PeakD because they want your ACTIVE key for everything...). Turns out, this may be the first proposal I've ever voted for (via a message sent out), in the almost six years I've been on Steemit/Hive.

This link: opened me up to loads of proposals that I never knew about due to the warnings we received years ago not to click on links in messages. I remembered your name from the Steemit days and decided to take a look, I'm glad I did.

There, I also saw a proposal from @brianoflondon that I also voted for, and hoped it counted as there doesn't seem to be a clear voting period listed. Thanks for all that you do and I hope your funding request is granted. :)

Supported. Thanks for all that you do here at hive @howo



$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/5) @chichi18 tipped @howo

Great article with a lot of new information I did not know about beforehand.
Thank you for all you do for Hive, keep it up. 😃

Any chance of reciprocity? I supported your proposal.😄

You've got my vote, I appreciate what you're doing here. Wish you the best!

Thank you for your good deeds and hard work! Willing to support you @howo

Hello, @howo

I have a question and I'm not exactly sure who to ask or where to ask it. Since you've crossed my path, I figure this is a good place to start!

Anyways, as you may have noticed, a lot of exchanges have been closing their doors to US citizens (figuratively speaking). This is a problem for me and my friend, especially with what's going on with Binance.

With that being said, I should probably introduce myself... I'm Joshua, former Binance.US Angel. I'm quoted in the article to recruit new Angels, and I was the first Binance.US Angel that didn't come from the .com Angel program. I was the top Angel until I left the program.

My question is: How does HIVE go about getting listed on exchanges? Is HIVE similar to BTC in that there is no one to fill out listing applications (If you're an exchange, either you list it or you don't.)?

I've been talking to Brandon about HIVE in hopes of getting HIVE listed on Binance.US. Brandon wanted me to reach out to the lead developers and ask them if there was anyone capable of filling out the listing application. Please be aware that nobody from Binance.US will ever DM you first. There are also a lot of email spoofing scams... If you visit the verified Binance.US Telegram chat, you'll see Brandon is an admin. You can DM him to verify everything I'm saying here. If you'd rather I relay messages/info between you guys, that's fine too.

If you want the link to the listing application, you can join the verified Binance.US Telegram chat and type the command "/listings" and the bot should post a link. Or you can go to the website and poke around... Eventually, you'll find it. I'm deliberately not posting any links here in an effort to not seem like a scam lol. You've been in the crypto community long enough to know how to stay safe in said community. I told Brandon I was going to reach out to you guys a week or two ago and I got busy, so I never got around to it... The majority of this was typed at 3am just before I passed out lol. Any upvotes for effort? 😂🤣😂

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. I also encourage you to verify that I am who I've stated that I am. Furthermore, my friend is the guy that made the WordPress plugin that allows you to log into WP with your HIVE account. He's why I'm here, apart from HIVE being AWESOME! 😉💙

Have supported your proposal! All the best!

This is great. Keep up the good work, I vote you!!!

@howo I'm supporting u too mate! KEEP IT UP AND HIVE ON!♦️❤️

100% support. You do absolutely fabulous work for the chain.

Let me study, looks interesting. And for your HARD WORK. -Thumbs up- ^_^

Hi @howo! Ready I have supported your proposal. Very important development that you bring to the Hive platform. For my part very grateful. I wish you the best of success with this new proposal.

Pienso que esto es solo el inicio, espero que sigas consiguiendo el apoyo para hacer un trabajo tan valorado, espero que sigas trabajando y aportando en hive, te apoyo
I think this is just the beginning, I hope you keep getting the support to do such a valued job, I hope you keep working and contributing in hive, I support you.

I went through your proposal and saw all the work you are putting in so I have supported your proposal and give you my vote.

The major update you listed in this post are some of the features that made me say "Oh nice, we needed this to get better".
I had no idea it was you behind these updates.
Good stuff. :)
Keep up the good work!

Is there a channel to "give ideas/tips" to you and your team on some features and/or bugs for future development?

Ha pasado ya un tiempo de esta publicación. Aún hay tiempo de apoyar?. Gracias por compartir esta gran experiencia como servidor de la colmena. Es de admiración su trabajo y le deseo éxitos y crecimiento en todo su esfuerzo para beneficio de todos🙏🏼

Yes ! There is always time to support :) the proposals runs for an entire year

To be honest I have no clue what it is you are doing but you have my support.

Thanks ! :p

Thank you so much hoping that you can support me too @howo