<p dir="auto"><br /> <p dir="auto">As a young Scholar who have activated his mental processes with both <em><strong>African and European History, i use to justify the reason why Africa is backward to The Transatlantic Slave trade (15th to 18th Century) and i further my claim with the balkanization/Colonization of Africa in the 19th Century by Some European Powers. <p dir="auto">...apparently it's easy for me to Link the Richards Constitution of 1946 to the problem Nigeria is facing politically... I strongly believed that mediocrity was sacrificed on the altar of Meritism as the Unequal Tripot System created by the Richards Constitution only mortgaged Nigeria to the North. <p dir="auto">I could even justify why Nigeria will not get better because of this Unforgivable historical Mistakes enshrined in the concept of regionalism. <p dir="auto"><code><em>But Ladies and Gentlemen let me be very Honest and blunt... <blockquote>"wickedness, Selfishness, Envy, Unnecessary Competition and above all Corruption is predominant in all of us... <blockquote>"we (Africa's) underdeveloped Ourselves" Before the Europeans came we had the worse kind slavery, in fact the Europeans may have felt they treated us more kindly than we were treated at home(Africa). Secondly, the colonization of Africa might be the best thing that ever happened to us because it served as hub to diminish the high level of wickedness in our blood. <p dir="auto">70 years of Democracy and 270+ years after slavery but yet we are still in Chains "So Sad"... Our mind is still enslaved by our Wickedness and Selfishness. <p dir="auto">We kill each other physically in our minds, we would rather destroy others reputation just to feel good, we live our lives on Social media, as it has come to become our measure of influence . *SMH*... We don't mind evil as long as Money is involved & especially if we don't get caught. <p dir="auto">We blame one man for making the Economy so bad yet we have 80 million out of 100 million eligible voters who will never go out to cast their Vote, lecturers in the University who can graduate just any student as long as they give them Money or meet them in a Hotel Room, Employers who cannot employ without making Sexual demands, We support evil as long as we benefit from it <blockquote>"The devils theory of imperialism". <p dir="auto">Now, here is the point I want to make... <em><strong>The problem we are facing is caused by you and me. It's not necessarily important to put it this way but we are all genetically structured to personal interest & we can only hope for genuine Salvation to liberate our mind from these actions as we sin more by omission than intention. <p dir="auto">The only cure to this "Genetical Evil" is genuine Love & mutual respect for one another. <p dir="auto">By truly & genuinely loving others we cure ourselves of Wickedness, Envy, Unnecessary Competition and Corruption. <h1><strong>THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY: KINDLY DROP YOUR COMMENT BELOW
By God's grace nigeria will get better. Thanks for sharing.
I like your take on love and how it can propel the nation forward...thanks for sharing