It is amazing, sometimes amusing, and honestly startling what path the mind will take you on when it reaches an obstacle and you give yourself the grace to follow that path.

Eventually, we stopped and the camel offered to sit for a portrait session. (BTW my camel was a very fine sitter - see sketch below). Now, since the sketch is 'done' the question is, do I stay on this path or try to steer the camel back to my original intention? After all how hard can it be to steer a camel? While trying to hone in on writing my #cwh #dreemers post for the week A CAMEL APPEARED AND OFFERED ME A RIDE. Yes, a camel of all things. Of course, I accepted, (that is the only polite and acceptable thing to do when offered a ride by a camel) and off we went down Procrastination Lane. Riding a camel is an interesting challenge in and of itself with bumps and balance fighting for dominance at every step so my focus was occupied with that, but a little voice kept saying “WHY A Camel?”. I told the voice "It fits with something else I am doing. Remember I'm trying to teach myself to draw". I’ve been attempting to make whimsical drawings of animals based on a specific shape I chose, and the camel popped into my mind as a possibility. Recently I happened to see a video with camels in it and boom, flash, instead of writing, sketching a camel became paramount in my mind.

(sketch is drawn by me)

Camel Sketch.jpg


those are some very come hither eyes and lashes on that camel.

I've never had a camel come along and ask me anything, you are very lucky!

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