The Shadow Project privacy platform celebrates 2 years anniversary!

in #privacy8 years ago

The Shadow Project started as a Bitcoin's fork, but evolved into much more than that. While Shadow profits from Bitcoin codebase and its progress (in contrast to other alts built e.g. on Cryptonote protocol), the dev team managed to build a whole privacy-minded platform for (decentralized) applications.

And today, July 19, Shadow Project celebrates 2 years anniversay since its inception (read "fork of Blackcoin").

Not directly competing with Bitcoin, Shadow takes the best from it and manages to solve Bitcoin's most painful flaw, which is arguably its lack of privacy and anonymity. On top of that, Shadow is a Proof of Stake (v3), which is more eco-friendly (and even far superior to PoW, as many point out).

Shadow Chat

The goal of the whole Shadow Project is to build a privacy-focused, decentralized platforms for various applications. This has been demonstrated by one of Shadow's features – Shadow Chat (P2P Instant Messaging encrypted by AES-256-CBC algorithm). In the upcoming Wallet update, Shadow Chat will get the ability for groupchats, which would make it an encrypted Slack alternative (if you will).

Decentralized Marketplace

Besides that, the Shadow team is working past year on decentralized Marketplace, which will make use of all those features combined – encrypted messaging, untraceable currency and more. This will result in truly anonymous decentralized Marketplace, completely in the hands of the community and users.

I'm here to invite you all to review our blogpost of what has been done in this past year and to join us on our Slack (until the Shadow groupchat is ready ;) – our community is growing and we constantly seek more contributors and developers.

Haven't you heard of Shadow yet? No surprise, we're flying under the radar instead of cheap hyping and pointless P&D schemes. Come see for yourself!

Useful links