Water Can Kill You - Prepare to Survive

in #prepper7 years ago

There are news reports nearly every few weeks of municipalities that shut off the public access to water. For a wide array of reasons, regular folks like you and me can't have access to this most basic of resources. There has to be a better way to make sure that your family has clean, pure drinking water free from chemicals, and other "additives" that the GOV taints your water supply with. Do you really want your kids drinking this filth?


nice work upvote and follow me i will do it for you back thx

Yes I am Prepared

We have rain barrels but in a real serious situation, I would use the water in our sub-pump. A good water filter is a must.

Thats just crazy! need to be prepared these days for real!

water tanks all the way!

Hiya Brad!
in an effort to not use the toob, could you possibly post links here?

I don't drink tap water, and I use a shower filter that removes chlorine, fluoride, and most other junk. I'm looking into a whole house filter, so I can have cleaner water to use with laundry, washing dishes, washing my hands, cooking, and other things.

We're on a well, and I am so thankful for that! We still filter the water for drinking. We're in the middle of installing an above-ground swimming pool which will provide almost 15,000 gallons of water for cleaning, bathing, laundry etc. My kids and I toured a local water treatment plant a few months ago, and the number of chemicals added to the water to make it "drinkable" shocked me!