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RE: If Cultural Appropriation is Wrong, What About Technological Appropriation?

in #politics6 years ago

You already said it in another article. We are like gorillas marking territory. This is it! We have not really evolved much, because we are still trying to tell the other how far he can go without touching what I consider mine or worse, what can be said without being offended. And that attitude is transferred to all areas. Joe Dispenza says it in one of his books: We continue working from our primitive mind. What can we say about the ego? Neither China invented rice, nor Italians pizza. Mankind has been exchanging with each other since the day that Adam built a boat in Asia and arrived in America where Eva was picking apples. Eva kindly offered him his apple, and from then until today all Adam goes mad for an apple and forgets territories, cultures, races and customs ... neither his ego nor his blue lineage has relevance. He only cares about his apple. But unlike gorillas (primitive assumptions) we like to complicate EVERYTHING we can. So we invented ideological battles like this Cultural Appropriation to make life bitter.

I do not know how serious the subject can be, it is today when I take it for granted. And it is not that I have gone on a trip to the moon or lived underground, it is that what you consider important, not necessarily must be for me. You know, everything is relative as Eisntein said. Either way, I already live my own war in my country, so my time is for issues that directly affect me.

Good topic for discussion and reflection. While reading it, I kept thinking that we can be stupid human beings.

I speak Spanish, my English is rudimentary learned at school, so I used the Google translator. I hope Google will not be offended because a South American used its technology. ¡Qué vaina tan loca!

As for @Blackvapor. I went through your profile, and I felt in love with the images of your children and your dog. What a beautiful thing his children's drawings! I think that the art of children is something that not all the money in the world can afford. They make me feel so happy. You know, I'm back to those days when everything is so simple and beautiful.

And I was disappointed in your attitude. I feel confused. I would have thought from your images that you are a good man with intelligence and emotional control, but it is not so. In my eyes you look like a fanatic, and for me the fans are dangerous, because they are irrational like the Taliban. You are seeing demons where there are none (and I got tired of looking for them, trying to be objective). You are defending your cause in an irrational way, just as the Chavistas-Maduristas do in my country, and in their eagerness to implant what they believe is the right thing they have ruined my country.

I would be afraid to be near you when you get angry. Is that your behavior when you get angry with your children or wife?

If I wanted to find someone to accompany me to protest against my government, because it is literally killing us. I would not call you, because I do not want more blood or deaths. I do not want innocent people to die. And probably your lack of emotional control would cause more conflicts.

Can you understand what I'm trying to explain?