Coming soon, the death of Hillary R.Clinton.

in #politics8 years ago

My Theory.

Clinton is very ill. Anybody who has a functioning Brain cell can see this.Many Doctors have confirmed this opinion. They HAVE NOT made a Diagnosis.

The Problem the DNC and all involved with Her bid for the Whitehouse have, is this.

If, as many believe she, has Parkinsons Disease,Incurable and Progressive as it is,Then:

1. They knew about this at the start of the Campaign,probably before.

2.The disease will Progressively get worse, for all to see.

3.They are Guilty of a Treasonous Act,in attempting to Getting Elected, a person Unfit to be President.


She has a Brain Tumor, She withdraws from the Campaign and Deals with her illness,a terminal one. If as reported she has a Secondary Tumor on her Lungs, the Cancer has spread. Not good news.

Now this second scenario is good for all involved, as they can claim they had no idea about this Condition( Not good for Clinton of Course), Prior to her Running.

The Bad News again for Clinton, is that the DNC Et all, can not allow the first Scenario to play out.

She will end up on her own Clinton Dead Body list.

Food for thought,

Cheers Gazza.,


Watching them hold her up, reminds me of that old movie... Weekend at Bernies.

Yes Brilliant comparison,whatsup.

This whole post is pure speculation. More likely it´s a flu,possibly pnemonia. Where did you get parkinson from? Internet rumours? not very reliable. False rumours abound.
And clinton dead body list? are you referring to BS rumours spread by conservatives and libertarians,backed by nothing at all?
Provide some evidence please, this is like a fox news article.

No, actually from Numerous Doctors. Also from the Evidence of my own Eyes. You can Lie about Reality, but as you and many others are about to find out, you can not Deny Reality. Get back to me when she Withdraws or Dies.

So, basically, your evidence amounts to: take my word for it?
No, sorry,people claim all sorts of things. Media reports about pneumonia.
I did some digging, and if you are interested here is an article about some possible origins of your conspiracy theory:

And here is a more realistic article:

I bet you 20 SP that she will not die, and 5 that she does not withdraw.
Are you in? The bet is on the blockchain as proof if you accept

snopes is lefty crap

I don´t care about snopes, although your comment shows that you are right wing. To me this means that your sources are crap. Let´s try to be a bit less subjective,please ?The point was the article. did you read it?

Timeframe of her Death, for the Bet? No, the word of many Doctors and Today her actual Friends.
Reality is a Bitch. Your on for the 5 SP.
Cheers Gazza.

not right wing either, although your comment shows that you are gullible. To me this means that your sources are crap. Let´s try to be a bit less subjective, please ?The point was that, we actually have no way of knowing what is going on because we are not there. it could be real, i hope so. it could be a fake so Hillary doesn't have to go to prison and the dems can switch out candidates, to someone with a better chance. it could be something else entirely. if handed a false choice or false narrative sometimes it is best to take a step back and look for options not offered.

I don´t know if this conversation will go anywhere. Why am i gullible? And you don´t know my sources,snopes is not my source,it was a reference.
Let´s try to agree on one thing, we don´t know. I belive that she is sick,probably with pneumonia, as her doctor allegedly has claimed via her campaign management,although I could not find direct sources for this.
It could be fake, true,but what would the motivation be?
I think she is too powerful to be put in prison, the system is too corrupt for that.
I do think that this could lead to a trump presidency, which I think will be a disaster.
Bernie would be better,but all options are bad,because the economy is rigged,and inequality is inescapable in the system.

anyone think this could all be fakery so Hillary can avoid going to prison? then she could go live in argentina in the former home of her namesake, Hitler. heh.

Hi Lifeworship Hope u r well. She is not long for this world. When The Truth comes out our Critics will be made to Eat their own Words.
Cheers Gazza.

hi Gazza, looks like things are better after a rocky start. excellent. the Hillary thing, i hope it is true. i hear talk of the dems fielding michelle obama, if clinton goes down in flames. not sure that's better. this whole thing smells like a con to me. surely the dems aren't stupid enough to think they could hide parkinsons for four years. what do you think?

I think, they thought, they could get her over the Winning Line. The V P then moves in keeping the Dems/NWO inControl. Parkinsons is its own Boss, Unpredictable in its Progression with offcourse a Deadly Conclusion. My Family looked after 2 Parkinsons Sufferers for over 5 years.I know what this Disease is,what it looks like. She has it.
Now what happens I simply have not got a clue. Hillary is Toast though, that I do Know.
Cheers Gazza.