The debate on Sunday will be interesting, if it happens

in #politics5 years ago

We will see if the debate happens on Sunday or not. Clearly, in Biden's current state, I think that Bernie could easily destroy him, and the establishment Democrats certainly don't want that. I even heard some talk that they might try to get the debate canceled to protect Biden. When Biden presented his plan to combat the coronavirus, I could really see what terrible condition he is in. It really looks like he can barely walk. He finally made it to the podium, and then made a few negative comments about trump, and then said that he had a plan to combat the coronavirus, and paused a few moments, and it really looked like he couldn't even remember what his plan was. He then said that the plan was on the website, and if anyone was interested, they could check the website. By contrast Bernie has a very reasonable, and detailed plan for combating the virus.

I still have a hard time understanding why the establishment Democrats would even think that Biden is a good choice. There's absolutely no question that Donald Trump would rip Joe Biden to shreds in the general election. One can only conclude that they would much rather maintain the status quo than get rid of Donald Trump. It's incredibly frustrating that the establishment Democrats would rather keep on being paid as opposed to actually work on getting something done like they really should be doing, but I guess that's not going to change anytime soon. At the moment, I really think that Bernie is the only choice, but the establishment Democrats would never vote for him, so it doesn't really seem like he has any chance. I'm not sure where the delegate count is now, but I don't think Bernie has any chance of catching up with Biden at this point, but I'm not sure. At this point, it seems like Biden is going to be the nominee unless the establishment Democrats replace him with someone else at the convention, which I guess could be a possibility.

In general, I am very disappointed by the people who ran for president on the Democratic side. Bernie is the only one who had any kind of real message at all, and all the other candidates just spouted the same old generic platitudes, and had no real new plans except that they wanted to be president of the United States. Given that Donald Trump is the worst president in modern history, one would think that they could find someone who could defeat him rather easily, but that certainly doesn't seem to be the case.