Western Anarchist Leaders

in #politics7 years ago

They are supposed to make laws, improve laws, enforce laws. But somehow, law makers are immune to the law.

It has been a longstanding and unfunny joke that rich people get away with murder. Sometimes that’s more than just a metaphor. But when people in power break the law, by ignoring it, it is no longer a metaphor. People literally die. And no one ever stands to account for it.

We, on the other hand, regular citizens are supposed to obey the law or face its wrath. Arduous fines and Imprisonment are assured.

Just as the air outside feels thick and sticky before a storm, the political air has been getting thicker and stickier. While war in the middle-east is nothing new, especially for invading western profiteers, a new larger more devastating war is in the air.

Syria? If not, then with another country.

Will it be another war of “The Axis of Evil” against the allies of good?

No. It never was. Regardless of the evilness of the Axis, the allies were never good. And their motives were never pure.

Whatever comes of this conflict in Syria--whether it’s a few uneventful skirmishes or all out war--the world will have changed. It’s not a sudden change. The casual observer will notice little difference between before and after. But it has changed. And it looks horrific.

There are laws, and principals of law, that are being flagrantly broken by the leaders of the US, UK, and other European countries.

British Prime Minister, Theresa May has ignored international laws regarding the Novichok incident in Salisbury. She affirmed before parliament that she had conclusive evidence that Russia was behind it. But refused point blank to reveal the evidence for independent review.

There was a Sarin gas attack in Syria. The United States government jumped on that. Started bombing as soon as they could. But at the time they started bombing, they didn’t even have evidence that it was sarin gas. It could be chlorine gas. It could have been no gas attack at all. And there is no evidence for who might have done it.

There was certainly no advantage to Syria for a gas attack. None whatsoever. So even circumstantial evidence is thin.
But the day before investigators were supposed to be on the ground, the US bombed. Before the investigation!

1991 The gulf war was instigated by propaganda and lies. Tens of thousands of people died. Thousands of them civilians.

2003 Iraq invasion was instigated by propaganda and lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction. About half million people died. Over 100,000 of them were civilians.

2018(?) War in Syira (?). The same people tell us military action must be taken now! Don’t think! Just act! Another false flag? More propaganda and lies? The death toll will be in the millions. Almost all of these will be civilians.

Both the US and the UK have laws and procedures before any military action takes place. At the very least a vote in parliament, or congressional assent. Both leaderships refused and goosestepped forward into the dark night.

Laws are only for the powerless, not the powerful.

The leaders of the Western democracies don’t listen to their people. Therefore, by definition, they are not democratic.

The leaders of the Western nations don’t obey their own laws. They ignore them.

Therefore, by definition, they are anarchists.

-Little Green Man-