Division of the ruled keeps the rulers secure in their power

in #politics8 years ago

For everyone posting these attacks on one candidate or the other or the other or the other or the other... You are missing the point and merely supporting the division that keeps the true problems from being addressed! It's a game of my corrupt overlords are better than yours because they promised to further causes that I support! If you want to show me Hillary's lies , then show me the lies and corruption of the rest of the candidates as well, if you want to show me trumps idiocy, show me the idiocy of all the candidates as well. if you are furthering the cause of division between the normal citizens of this nation you are serving as a useful tool in the continued and expanding dominance over peaceful people by lieing corrupt sociopaths. There is no good choice for a Master, regardless of who spouts rhetoric that matches your opinions. If this is not clear to you especially this US election cycle, you may want to invest some time and effort into developing some critical thinking and logical progression skills!