Are You Getting Tired With All The Insanity In The World Today?

in #politics7 years ago

Are You Getting Tired With All The Insanity In The World Today?

Is it just me or is the world I thought I knew going totally insane?


I live in Canada so I cannot speak for the entire world. There are things happening in this country and around the world that I am becoming very concerned about.

From politicians to SJW's to BLM to Antifa to unjust lawmakers to universities to immigration I feel like there is an insanity sweeping the globe.

Freedoms are being systematically taken away from us.
In Canada the Liberal party passed M103. Now M103 may soon be passed into law.
M103 will make it illegal to criticize Islam....but wait a minute. We already have laws in place to cover hate speech. They are written into our constitution.

Hate speech laws in Canada include provisions in the Criminal Code of Canada, provisions in the Human Rights Act and in other federal legislation, and statutory provisions in each of Canada's ten provinces and three territories. The Criminal Code prohibits "hate propaganda." The Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on various grounds. Legislation in the provinces and territories prohibits discrimination on the same grounds as Canada's Human Rights Act in matters of provincial or territorial concern such as employment and accommodation.


So why is the current government singling out Islam?
We have Imams that spread hate speech in mosques against Jews and infidels alike (that would be me) and yet nothing is done to stop it.
Isn't this "Hate Speech" as defined by our constitution?

Don't get me wrong, I know many Muslims and I come into contact with them on a daily basis. They are good, hardworking folks that, just like you and me, want a better world for themselves and their children and I am all for this!

What is your opinion on this?

In Canada, we have immigration laws and many people from around the world are going through the proper channels, filling in endless forms, paying the fees and waiting for a response from the government. Believe me I know what it is like, as I had to go through this with my wife, who is from Russia!

Yet, the Liberal government rushed 25,000 to 40,000 Syrian refugees into this country in a matter of a few months. Personally I think this was for other reasons than being good policy. It has cost taxpayers millions of dollars. Most do not speak English or French (our two official languages).
They were given a living allowance (much more than my pension) for a year.
Now, you have to understand, these people are welcome here, however, they were not properly vetted, most of them were safe outside of Syria and had jobs and apartments in places like Jordan, and Lebanon, and after the year was over they have been abandoned by the government. Most still don't speak our languages, have no jobs and are now on our welfare system putting a burden on the provinces they reside in.
What makes me angry is that our government soon abandoned them after all the photo ops where over. This is not right on so many levels! Although my heart goes out to them we have thousands of our own citizens that are homeless and sleeping outside in the winter....and it can get cold in Canada!

When President Trump started talking about a travel ban, our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, tweeted that Canada welcomes them and our diversity makes us stronger.
Now we have thousands of "refugees" walking across our border. These are not really refugees as they are coming from a safe haven in the United States. The are illegal immigrants, plain and simple!
What upsets me is that the people that have gone through the correct channels have just been slapped in the face by our government. The RCMP (our federal police) are not arresting them or taking them back to the border to be processed. No, they are allowing them into our country unvetted and we taxpayers are now on the hook for the bill, again!

What I see happening in Canada is the same thing the criminal Merkel did in Germany.

What is your opinion on this?

SJW BLM and Antifa


Most of these groups are funded by the criminal George Soros and his organizations.
If you want to know more on the organization funded by this criminal click HERE


Besides being a criminal he is a Globalist and has a globalist agenda.

Our Prime Minister, George Soros and the UN have made a deal to flood Canada with "refugees."
Soros backs and funds groups like BLM and Antifa, which are made up mostly of SJW's.

These are "Protest Groups." They shout down anyone that does not agree with their concepts of free speech, abortions, or equality.

BLM calls for the killing of police officers in retaliation for the murder of black citizens. "Pigs in a blanket fry'em like bacon." Yes, this is a problem, and part of me sympathizes with them. But, when has hate ever solved problems? Hatred begets hatred. Always has and always will!


"Antifa" = Anti - Fascist.
These groups of people are actually becoming the fascists they are rallying against. They are stopping free speech they do not agree with! They are destroying property, inciting violence, using violence as a means to an end. They are taking away other peoples freedoms of expression because they don't like or agree with it. There is no rationale to these actions, at least none that I can see!

Yes, we must all stand for what we believe in! Today there is no debate. If you don't believe what I believe then we should be able to debate it. It doesn't give them the right to forcefully censor me....does it?

What is your opinion on this?

I could go on an on about the erosion of freedoms in Canada, but I think you understand the point I am trying to make.

Before I conclude, I would like to say that there are many players in Canada that will never be held responsible for the destruction of my beautiful country.

The NDP(New Democratic Party) in British Columbia, and Alberta along with the Liberal Party in Ontario, Quebec and the Federals in Ottawa have made so many mistakes, misjudgments and outright insane decisions that have plunged my country into incredible debt that may take many, many years to recover from, changed the face of our great nation and have left a lot of us scratching our heads over the stupidity of their actions. Not one of them will be tried for treason or incompetence once the smoke has cleared. They will take their huge pensions and live out their lives in comfort while the rest of us will have to work into our 70's and our children and grandchildren and their children will have to repay this enormous incompetence.

As Albert so brilliantly stated!

This Is The Insanity Of My World!

What is your opinion on this?

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This post has received a 0.64 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @acwood.

Thanks @booster! Awesome job!

nice post.

Thanks, friend!

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Thanks @randowhale! You great big huggable mammal!