(New Video) The OUTRAGEOUS Extra Footage Behind the Viral Nurse Video People NEED to SEE!

in #policebrutality7 years ago (edited)

CONFORMITY is doing what you're TOLD regardless of what is RIGHT; MORALITY is doing what is RIGHT regardless of what you're TOLD!

Lemme just say from the outset that this nurse, Alex Wubbels, has more balls, more courage, more guts in her little finger than all the law enforcement officials you're going to see in my new video.

Lemme also say that if you're part of law enforcement and you see any of your fellow cops at any time trample the individual rights of any person, as was done with this innocent woman, and you stand by and do NOTHING you're a panzie ass, oath-breaking, waste of a human being who should be stripped if your badge, uniform and gun on the spot and sent to a jail cell filled with overpowering inmates who will be more than happy to show you a thing or two about assault, abuse of power and the blatant disregard for individual liberties.

Almost everybody with a pulse who has an internet connection has probably seen this viral video about a Nurse standing up to a gang of cops (and that's exactly what they acted like, a gang) in a hospital's burn center last July. But stay with me because it's highly unlikely you don't know the whole insane story.

Just in case you haven't seen that snippet of video that went viral, here's a quick summary for ya...again, if you think you know the whole story stay with me, because there are some vital, even more outrageous element to this event that the viral video and links don't even mention.
Here's my video which includes the backstory and extra bodycam footage that people who watched the viral video need to be aware of...please share, resteem, upvote and comment if you deem this to be worthy content:

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote and alt text It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!


Great video. Funny how their mafia gives out paid vacation instead of jail time when someone "on their team" violently attacks an innocent victim. The myth of authority needs to destroyed. No human has the right to rule over another human. That right can not be delegated because no one has it.

Thanks for stopping by Luke. I wish everybody knew that such a right to delegate does not exist. Peace.

I believe that there should be a right to rule. Of course not in this term but more like the way we elect politicians.
If she did something wrong yes she should get arrested but she didn't and i hope that the officers get stripped of their badge, uniform and gun forever!

So if I get a bunch of my friends together, call myself a government and vote to rule over you and tell you you can't start a business, build a house, drive a car, go fishing, fly a plane, or prepare and sell your own food without permission from my government, you'd be okay with that?

The only difference is scale and what you choose to believe about authority. If no individual has the right to rule over another individual then no ritual (such as voting for politicians) can make it so or delegate that right to anyone else.

What I think is more accurate is you want the results of what you see from a civil society with strong, effective government. I want the same. The difference is I don't attribute those results to government, but think they happen in spite of government. When economic freedom exists, people prosper and move up Maskow's hierarchy. Governments often severely limit economic freedom, mainly through their monopoly control of currency and purchasing power, but also through regulatory capture, revolving door politics, and threats of violence and imprisonment.

Whether or not someone did something wrong is not solely determined by whether or not they broke the law. Law is supposed to be a proxy for morally accepted truths in society. Unfortunately, most people don't have the time or philosophical headspace to work out their own moral framework and so they accept that of the government which leads to gross immorality being considered normal and right (such as victimless "crimes").

I could go on and on, but I've written about these topics at length already:

Where Does Your Morality Come From?
Beyond Cartoon Morality: The World Isn't Bad Guys vs. Good Guys

If I had the oportunity to vote for you or someone else and you won then yes I would be.
Well ask yourself what would happen if right now there was no laws, no government and no law enforcement.
If everybody was respectful of each other and our property then it might work but that's impossible because there is always that lazy bitch that will steal and kill so they don't need to work and that's why humans need to have laws and someone to enforce them - a government.
Yes you are right about the morality etc. but tell me where would you prefer to live right now. In one of the Western countries ( US, Canada, Germany, France etc.), in a country like Russia where if you don't agree with the government you get sent to a prison camp or without a government - to have your home, village and everything pillaged and your family murdered and never to get justice (not saying that you get it now 100%)?

What's worth considering is can we have law and conflict resolution without government? I think we can.


Asking where I prefer to live is an irrelevant question if all countries share a morally reprehensible perspective on authority. It's like asking, "Which plantation would you like to be a slave on? I hear the Jones' over there have really nice masters." Since you and I share a different perspective on this, I understand if my comparison of governments to human farming and slavery is absurd to you, but in the very same way, your accepting rulership over you because some people went through a ritual and voted is equally absurd to me. It's like two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

My perspective is based on philosophical principles, but it's not void of reality either. For example, organizations like Detroit Threat Management have actually been far more successful at keeping peace than police "peace officers". They have different motivations and do their work via voluntary means supported by market forces, not government threats.

If you want to dive in more, I suggest reading For a New Liberty by Rothbard (you can listen to it online for free on YouTube). This is also a good watch to understand where I'm coming from:

@highimpactflix: sorry for filling up your comments with videos and such, but I have a hunch you won't mind the content presented here.

One more for you, if you'll allow it:

How you create a link with text? The "myth of authority"

Steemit markup supports both Markdown and HTML. Here's how to create a link in html:

<pre><code><a href=" url goes here ">linked text here</a>

Thank you kindly! Much appreciated!

I definitely believe that these policies have received a very bad training.There is no way most of them behave this way,some is definitely wrong with they train them.

You are kicking ass and taking names good sir. Loved the part about "natural law"
Amen to that. And let's also take a look at the root cause that creates violence to begin with, so we can lessen our dependency on good hearted or corrupt police officers.

When there is a fire, it does no one any good spraying water at the flames, spray it at the base to get rid of the flames, which are merely a symptom.

So glad you are on here. Upvoted and resteemed.

The lady is so innocent.

In the medical field/hospitals no body can prove these practitioners guilty by force.

This was totally unethical.

At least they document their crimes. Sooner or later they are held to answer to them... Thanks for the powerful post.

Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @highimpactflix!

  • Pending payout - Ranked 9 with $ 256,2

This is one of my favorite channels... ANY WHERE!!! Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

Disgusting isn't it :/

This is typical.

Freedom isn't what you think. Your only true freedom it to do as you are told. If you disagree, then you are guilty of wrong think and are a danger to society. Through coercive intimidation, the will of the state is enforced.

All your internet activity, your email, your phone calls and non-cash purchases are tracked and evaluated.

Enjoy your "freedom".

Great post and video. It is ridiculous how these cops just do what they want. People talk about how in Mexico the cops are like a gang. It might be worse there but cops around here run around like that a lot as well. There are a lot of good cops but tons of little man syndrome power hungry people as well.

Amazing video of what you should do if this happens

Great Video. People should stand up against the bullies who are supposed to protect the innocent.

Definitely isn't right when the law gets abusive with their power and thinks they can do what they want. The nurse definitely had the balls to stick by what was right and was shitty they straight up put her under arrest from it.

Keep the good word going mate.

People Need to believe in GOD, because punishment is ready for those who do guilty to others.... Thanks for the post..

excellent, the usa people are leading as always when it comes to changes. In other countries it's not allowed to film the police and others so that we can hold them accountable. Also the liberty movement is good. They destroyed the hippie movement but this time we have the internet. The problem with jobs and the addiction to it (what should I do when I am questioning my job but have no other way of income to change) and also the "sucked in the job tunnel vision" which makes people numb after seeing a lot of wrong things. The solution would be that everyone in the police would only be allowed to work for 4 years and then would need to take a break. I talked a lot with people about how it is possible to get rid of the police brutality and fascist authoritarian behaviour. I met a guy who was coincidently at a rally in hungary and they treated him against the law in jail. We came up with the idea to only let people do jobs with lots of power in case they take a mandatory break after a few years.

This detective needs to be fired and prosecuted for what he did to that poor nurse. She was protecting her patience privacy. I hope this nurse sues the Utah pd and wins big!

Awesome video! People need to know the truth, and act on the truth. These men should be fired, but I doubt that will happen.

Really sad but nothing new to be honest... American cops are known for acting like this. Police brutality is huge in "the land of freedom"

So upsetting though... the video is heartbreaking

Great post @ highimpactflix !

So glad to see you here. i've been a follower of yours on youtube for quite some time. Really appreciate your videos and hope you will find much success on this platform and possibly even take back some free speech. Upvoting and following you here also...steem on brother!

Great content. Thanks for showing the full story instead of the garbage we are being fed by the news. Thanks for your research and information. SLC Police department will be getting a few new comments from me on their website. These guys are crooked and need to be held accountable.

A really good post and due to this video getting out there, the hospital has changed its rules so that the police is no longer allowed into the emergency patient area. Upvoted and following.

Hi... first, I gave this revealing and important Story an upvote, albeit just a drop since I am new and do not have a lot of steem power yet, to offset one small critique that involves a pet peeve of mine ;)
You have a lot of followers and social influence so I must absolutely try to make a difference where it might count down the road.

Here goes... it's about saying the Nurse had "balls" in her courageous and righteous act. That really has nothing to do with it, right?
I know it's a current trending slang concept, but very sexist and possibly detrimental to softening gender misconceptions that often lead to prejudice.

Thanks in advance for possibly considering choosing more inclusive terminology on pending projects. ??

Sincerely, Yvon / Mid Life Hustle