If you're talking about the poker server, that is not open source for security reasons.
If you're talking about the website, that's an idea we tossed around years ago, but were assured the Dev we chose was competent and legit ... then he turned out to be a scammer who I'm taking to court.
Prior to hooking up with him I asked developers here on the Steem chain and I was turned down repeatedly because they don't want anything to do with "gambling" even though poker is not "gambling". So I gave up asking, because I can only handle so much rejection and uninformed opinions before I just go do it on my own.
Now we start over and I will leave that decision up to Birra since the website is his baby now. He offered to help in chat one day and I'm very thankful that I took him up on his offer because not only does he code, but he plays poker!
Disclaimer: I hope that my factual heartfelt answers have not upset you in any way! They really upset the last guy that asked me questions and then I got labeled a "thug" ... which I am obviously. =)
I guess it could help speed things up then or at least lighten the load
Posted using Partiko iOS
If you're talking about the poker server, that is not open source for security reasons.
If you're talking about the website, that's an idea we tossed around years ago, but were assured the Dev we chose was competent and legit ... then he turned out to be a scammer who I'm taking to court.
Prior to hooking up with him I asked developers here on the Steem chain and I was turned down repeatedly because they don't want anything to do with "gambling" even though poker is not "gambling". So I gave up asking, because I can only handle so much rejection and uninformed opinions before I just go do it on my own.
Now we start over and I will leave that decision up to Birra since the website is his baby now. He offered to help in chat one day and I'm very thankful that I took him up on his offer because not only does he code, but he plays poker!
Disclaimer: I hope that my factual heartfelt answers have not upset you in any way! They really upset the last guy that asked me questions and then I got labeled a "thug" ... which I am obviously. =)
Yea, you’re definitely a thug. Only thugs claim not to be thugs in italics.