By The Ruins - Pied Piper Poetry

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

I often like to think of life as being like one of those great, expansive role-playing video games. You know, the kind where you start out as a nameless nobody and have to wander obliviously through the world, figuring things out as you go. You're usually a prisoner that was just freed or a refugee in a new world. You have no friends and are surrounded by an assortment of characters, friendly and hostile alike. In much the same way, we're born into reality without any choice in the matter of who our parents are, what our genetics predispose us towards, or what sort of people live in our midst. We build defenses to keep out potential aggressors while seeking out friends with which to align ourselves.

I guess this poem came to mind because I'm at a point in my life now where the walls aren't very important anymore and I'm much more focused on the bright future ahead with the tribe of allies I've been accumulating. It's a great time to be alive and I remain ever optimistic as things unfold before us. We have the tools and technology with which to find one another now and sorting ourselves geographically is easier than ever. We're all out of excuses. If you don't live in a supportive environment amidst compatible friends, you have only yourself to blame. Seriously, my buddy just bought a plane ticket from Chile to Chicago for under 400 bucks. You could collect that by panhandling, for cryin' out loud. I know a lot of people like to outsource their life's management to politicians and whatnot but seriously, why on earth would you do that when it's so easy to take charge of yourself and find your own damn happiness? Why wait for some wanker in a suit to tickle your pickle while robbing you blind when you can custom design your own life almost as easily as in a video game instead?

I guess it's only appropriate to dedicate this one to Harry Browne, author of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.

When all is understood
When battle's long forgot
When answers to a childhood
No longer need be sought

When all refuse to kill
And all have peace of mind
I'll fall asleep to find you still
The ones I left behind

And within the final hours
When heavy curtains fall
I'll find you in the flowers
By the ruins of a wall


man well done.
upped and followed!

That's a bloody good poem! :-O Upvoted and followed! Keep them coming!