He said, "truth is what you can prove"
I said Boi
Lemme prove to you I got nothing to prove I ain't Thomas
The world ain't thousands of years old it's more than a million in numbers
He's been on the scene before your big bang, boy he made the big bang
Prehistoric extinction was a drag
Your theory: a comet from space
My revelation: Lucy's fall with them others he dragged in his place
Get the sound codes
I just wanna know the creator more than I know the creation
Evolution existed for a time but cant you see it stopped?
It stopped the moment He said let's make "Karla in our own image- God"
Nature was created by design, not by mistake
I ain't arguing with you, I'm showing you, them neanderthals, dinosaurs, dem prehistorics, dem guys was all real, but something happened that nearly stopped time
But all that don't matter cause
when He stops time it'd be the right time
You don't seem to realise you got the proof, I just need you to see the truth
That there's a big space between Genesis 1 and 2
Very creative...very true....very intelligent.
Thank you 🤗