in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

4chan has been a hell of a place lately. The amount of astro turfing, social engineering, and other Cass Sunstein tier (((cognitive infiltration))) has been off the charts lately!casssunsteinpaper.jpg

I used to frequent the Pizzagate threads on 4chan. Early on I figured out that they were a complete PSYOP concocted by Feds to marginalize the "Truther community" (as gay as that sounds). I'm not saying that there isn't a giant DC pedophile ring. The upper echelons of government are held together by blackmail and State sanctioned child sex rings are a very real thing. These are Eyes Wide Shut people. When they aren't busy enriching themselves via usury and corruption, they're probably having weird occult orgies with children.


This whole pedogate/Satanic cult shit is littered in so much disinfo that I honestly don't even know where to begin. Researching this subject is like circumnavigating through a mine field. These people will mix truth with fiction and purposely say some outrageous shit just to muddy the waters. They just did this with their "EX" CIA agent Robert David Steele. Steele was on Alex Jones show and he literally said that NASA was running a child sex ring on Mars...
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Anyways, I just stumbled on this Thread on 4chan called /htg/ (human trafficking general)

The OP was posting dumbass shit like thisScreen Shot 2017-07-09 at 2.33.09 AM.pngScreen Shot 2017-07-09 at 2.54.32 AM.png http://archive.is/vLoot

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A total bro called OP out on his bullshit and even suggested that OP might be trying to false flag
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Next thing I notice an active shooter on Bainbridge Island WA

Bainbridge is in that general area. Article: "All ferry service along the Bainbridge Island/Seattle route was briefly suspended out of an abundance of caution, but service resumed with the 11:15p departure from Seattle."

The area that reads Edmunds passenger terminal is where the OP was posting screenshots of. He was alluding to child trafficking rings being in that general area.
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I could be jumping the gun on this but just to be safe I'm gunna post this and hope to God it isn't what I think. But just remember, they already false flagged us with Edgar Maddison Welch at Comet Ping Pong