Coffee more faithful :) Photography

in #photograpy7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time try the sugarless coffee, so you can be grateful that there is something more bitter than your story and more faithful than your girlfriend while enjoying the cool air and surrounded by the sounds of birds.



Sekali waktu cobalah kopi tanpa gula, agar kau bisa bersyukur bahwa ada hal yg lebih pahit daripada kisahmu dan lebih setia dari pacarmu sambil menikmati udara yang sejuk dan dikelilingin suara-suara burung.

camera canon 600d results
iso 800


Gunung salak jl lintas KKA-TAKENGON..
enjoy the cool :)


@mizal if u regular vote my post.. i will give u vote...

@sarabon999 oh thanks if that is so :)