TimTravels - First day on Maratua Island

in #photography4 years ago

Hello my Hivean friends and welcome back to my Hive exclusive photography blog!

As it is with COVID19, most of us have to stay home and are very restricted in their daily life. This of course means less traveling and therefore fewer pictures I can take from interesting destinations. That's totally fine because having more time at home means having more time for yourself. In such a busy world it's maybe not bad to have a break.

Since I haven't posted much on Steemit the last two years one could think I stopped traveling or photography in general. Well that's wrong, in fact I collected many pictures over the last years which I can finally share with you!

In today's post I will show you some pictures from Maratua, a remote and almost unpopulated island in Indonesia. During my stay there I only met 4 tourists. And yes, I've seen the whole island; it takes around 2 hours drive by scooter.

No, this is not Maratua

The journey started in Kuala Lumpur, I just thought it's a nice shot and that's why it's in here :P

Back in 2018 there was a ferry going to the mainland twice a week. I've you missed this one then you better have a small private boat. In fact, small families need to have a boat in order to buy supplies for their living one a week.

While I saw picturesque landscapes and beaches, I sadly had to witness some serious environmental pollution. Having no read garbage collection people either burn their garbage or just throw it away. I talked to some locals and they told me it's a problem that's being worked on. The new generation is being taught to be more responsible and protect their surroundings. I'll check that next time!

What's I enjoyed the most was the friendly mentality of the locals and how much they appreciated the smalls things. The kids were posing for the camera and even wanted to show how strong they are, lifting big tree trunks! Not bad!

Since there is no electricity on the island the nights are pitch black. This gives you the opportunity to see a fascinating night sky.

P.s.: Since I am back to posting, I'll also continue with the MyPictureDay Photography contest where you can win some Hive every week. Stay tuned. More information to follow with the next post.



Absolutely stunning. Plus Kuala Lumpur looks incredible!! Maybe after all this coronavirus stuff is over my wife and I will have to check it out :)

Until you make it to Kuala Lumpur I wish you all the best and stay safe. I want to see your pictures then :)

Have a good one dexter-k