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in #photography5 years ago

Thank you very much.

Sometimes I get confused when I try and convert the Spanish back into English. To me it sometimes changes the meaning a lot.

I have never had an animal damage or attack one of my cameras. I did have an Elk yearling smelling and licking one a couple of years ago. It is in a video clip that is around 7- 10 seconds long. I used to be able to share those clips with a link from my DropBox, but they have since changed things and I have yet to figure a way to do it. It was quite the sight.


Hahaha. I can imagine. Yes, some translations, especially of tech stuff are very awkward and that's when languages tend to use the original language instead. In the case of eng-spanish, we have quite a few anglicisms (I'll post about it shortly) which work better in spanish just the way they "were born" (pendrive, fax, taxi, capture, twit, sofware, etc.)