Listopad zbliża się ku końcowi, pora więc na kolejną porcję zdjęć. Wbrew tytułowi nie robiłem ich codziennie. Może w grudniu się uda? Mimo wszystko zrobiłem wystarczająco dużo zdjęć żeby obdzielić wszystkie dni listopada. Oto najlepsze z nich...
November is coming to an end, so it's time for the next batch of photos. Contrary to the title, I didn't take them every day. Maybe I will succeed in December? Nevertheless, I took enough photos to cover all the days of November. Here are subjectively best of them...
Poniatowa, duży staw / "big pond"
Warszawa, Stadion Narodowy / 'Warsaw Stadium' Train Station
Lublin, wąwóz na Czubach / gorge in Czuby
Lublin, LSM
Lublin, Czuby
Lublin, Centrum Stomatologii UM / Medical University's Center of Stomatology
Lublin, Targ na ul. Wileńskiej / Market on Wileńska Str.
Lublin, Węglin - okolice Szpitala Wojewódzkiego / Węglin district - neighbourhood of the Main Regional Hospital
Lublin, LSM - podwórko / backyard of some shop
Lublin, Al. Smorawińskiego / Smorawińskiego Avenue
Lublin, IKEA
Lublin, Al. Spółdzielczości Pracy / Spółdzielczości Pracy Ave.
Lublin, Al. Kompozytorów / Composers' Avenue
Lublin, Czwartek / Thursday Hill
Lublin, Al. Kompozytorów / Composers' Avenue
Lublin, Czechów - kładka na ul. Kiepury / overpass on Kiepury Street
Camera | Nikon D3100 |
Lens | Pentacon Electric 50 mm, f/1.8 |
Zdjęcie z kładką na Kiepury mnie zachwyca cholernie! Majestateczne.
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Znajome okolice, jaki ten świat mały :)
Making the everyday beautiful - nice work!
I like the atmosphere present in these photos. Less bright sunshine and spells out winter coming. Never fond of too bright scenes and some of these photos can be used a imagery for building up grim urban legends. I like them.
That's how November in Poland looks like ;) Thanks for stopping by.
Gratulacje za znalezienie sie na celowniku kuratorow, dzieki nim natrafilem na twoj kanal :) Ogladajac fotki rozumiem, ze nie bez powodu zostales nagrodzony :) Swietny, tajemniczy i nieco mroczny klimat zdjec. Moje ulubione to Al. Kompozytorów, Al Smorawińskiego, Centrum Stomatologii UM oraz to na samej gorze :)
follow i upvote obowiazkowo :) bede odwiedzal w przyszlosci
Dzięki :)
Zdradź mi tajemnicę, jak ty to robisz, że otrzymujesz tyle głosów. Oczywiście dołączam swój głos by wspierać #polish i zapraszam do przeglądania moich prac.
Czasem uda mi się zrobić na tyle dobre zdjęcia, żeby zostały podbite głosem Curie. I używam "międzynarodowych" tagów - zawsze to większy zasięg. Dzięki.
This misty street looks very cool :)
I must try one day also make more misty photos :) just now here very cold and snow start to come :)
you are welcome :)
Lublin looks so much like cities in Slovakia. The same architecture and same buildings from the 70's (if I'm not mistaken) November for me is the strangest month of the year.. it not warm anymore but it's not very cold yet. It's mainly grey and rainy. I'm actually glad that it's almost over. You have added this depressive feeling into your photos (which is good for this month :))
My favorite would be the first one and the one with people walking on the bridge. They symbolize life to me. Even though the nature is going to sleep and prepare itself for winter, the life doesn't end. We continue doing out things.. I love how you captured this.
Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your curie vote!
*soviet anthem plays in the distance * ;)
You're right. Most of the buildings on presented photos are from 70's/80's. I like how in Slovakia some smaller cities are just a bunch of blocks of flats surrounded by the fields. "Beauty" of socialist modernism I guess... Thanks for stopping by!
Hahaha, you are right! Actually, I'm coming from such a small city so I know what you're talking about :D
What's the name if I may ask?
It's called Snina. You have probably never heard of that but you can google it ;)
You were correct... unfortunately. I thought maybe Svidnik, because that was the city I had in mind while describing the image of "small Slovakian cities" ;) At least it's in the same kraj.
I know Svidnik.. it's even a bit worse there :) But I like going back home now.. it all feels so RETRO :D
These are wonderful photos and it sure looks like winter is coming. You have a nice gloomy touch in most of these shots. I love your train station photo and the macro leaf the best. Thank you for showing us your city.
Thanks :)
Beautiful selection, it is easy to see how the day from being warm becoming colder and the days getting shorter too, you also have captured nicely cold misty, I love that phenomenon, that makes everything so mysterious. People rushing quickly away from street and try to reach their warm home. Also the first dry leaves are frozen in early hours of mornings. That is the first sign of approaching winter. Thank you for this Autumn calendar and beautiful pictures.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Świetne fotki :)