Dear steemians!
One Year Photo Art Exibition
Work number five…
I really like to look at things with different perspective, it makes things look different, it leaves something that in the first place doesn’t seam interesting with the possibility to shine if you look at it in another way. So many times I play around with that. Here are examples where one shoot is from the outside and the other photo is from the inside.
On the inside, on the inside what is there, are eyes be deceived by the out side are the clock ticking to fast to take a look, judge cover by the book. Inside, inside what is there. It’s where you keep your good stuff and where others has to, don’t blame the fool who says he knows it all, lets talk a walk in someone’s shoes, and tell me what you feel!
To follow the exhibition check out....
Post numner one
Post number two
Post number three
Post number Fourh
May all find Real happiness, Real pece, Real liberation..