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RE: The Dance of Dialectical Thought (English/Turkish)

in #philosophy6 years ago

What do you think about Carl Jung and synchronicity? My husband and I are always experiencing amazing coincidences very frequently, which are too improbable and sometimes funny because of how obviously the universe seems to be communicating directly with us sometimes.


I red Jung's books narrating collective subconscious. As I was very young I couldn't understand the essence properly but I thought the content was important. I need to focus his work again to comment on the topic.

Yes, I agree, it can be difficult to follow his writings, but this is because he was so intelligent that many people can't understand his messages or misinterpret him. However, as I wrote to you before, the simple concept of "synchronicity" is self-evident, yet it defies and challenges a materialistic philosophy. The fact we can see evidence of synchronicity taking place in our daily lives is proof there is far more to our reality than what many people are willing to admit. Which is the fact there is a much greater Intelligence governing and guiding the creation and fate of the universe from the very beginning, previous to the big bang and until infinity. Many people refuse to accept or believe in God, but whether or not people want to have faith in God, they still can't explain the many miraculous situations we often find ourselves in, and the human ego is too quick to label these as mere coincidences, rather than being thankful for the evidence of divine intervention in our daily lives.