I found this today. And since my entire response was one wily tangential leap across to anywhere I might land, softly, at all?, somewhere within your view, I figure this might fit...
Life is a teacher. This was a lesson I learned here...as I went off to 'think on all I'd just said'. Inner critic said "hey listen", I said "but I am, I did", little mean green man in my head being a real pesky booger then said, "no you did'n, not really".
I think he was right. Maybe that's one of our biggest problems, all of us... Time divided, attention divided. Listening is hard. Disagreeing is easy when you don't listen. Disagreeing is as easy as agreeing, though. Pick a side and, 😊Thank You Have A Nice Day😊. Understanding why we think what we do is the hard part. I feel like so little discussion ever goes that far.
I'm writing this after spending some time thinking on free speech censorship; it just brought me full circle back to here. Maybe I think too much. But then, maybe there's a reason that this time it was this.
(I'm not particularly a fan of this man, but I do agree with his views on free speech and advice on listening.) Food for thought regarding debate, I suppose. And my apologies for writing so much after the payout, but I really find these kind of topics interesting to discuss.